Your Wrong

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I sighed as I woke up to Naveah poking my face. "Momma there is a lady cooking breakfast I'm scared". I sighed and sat up she was still in her pajamas and Judith was no where in sight. "Did Judith get up before you?" She shook her head "no we woke up at the same time, grandpa came and got her and he didn't help me, she tried to get him to but he didn't and he did her hair wrong". I sighed "and the girls?" She bit her lip "ms. Carol got them dressed and did their hair too and didn't let them listen to music last night". I looked at her angerly "well baby go pick out mommy's clothes okay?" She nodded and brought me some jeans and a v-neck with boots. I got her dressed and did her hair, it didn't feel right without Judith. We walked downstairs and saw everyone doing things. They re arranged the living room and kitchen and I wasn't happy obviously. "Where's Rick?". Carol pointed and grabbed her as well and led her outside. "Rick come here" he walked over "what's the problem". I looked at them irritated "I'mlooked at yim omfortable with you changing things in my house especially the routine without asking. Naveah came into my room without Judith and was scared because you were cooking breakfast! And then you didn't get Naveah dressed along with Judith and you can't control if those girls wanna listen to music at night! It's disrespectful and I won't have it! These kids have been with me they know our routine you don't so let's start from the  top in the morning Judith and Naveah get dressed together and get their hair done together and pick out my clothes and the girls get dressed and listen to music and be girls and then I do their hair. Luke is gone with Carl by that time. I go downstairs and make breakfast and serve it to them afterwards carl and luke are home and we decide what we do that day. Then lunch and then after whatever we had planned I make dinner or Carl and then after so the girls go upstairs after a movie and listen to music and sleep when they want and I put the girls to sleep kapeesh! ". They looked at me wide eyed "were sorry but Judith is my child and I'll do as I please". Rick said sternly as if I was a child "if that's the way you want it then leave by tomorrow morning because I won't have it". I turned around and stormed into the house. Jessica looked at me "mom, are you okay?" I nodded "yes now eat up okay and you and i and the girls are gonna go on a run okay?". She nodded and rate quickly. I packed up some gas and supplies. Cark came up behind me "where are you going?" I looked at him "on a run with the girls". He rolled his eyes "sure". I looked at him sternly "I'm going deal with it." The girls came parading out of the house and got into the car. They all were dressed similar to me. "I'll see you soon". I got in and drove to town. "Mom will you and dad separate?"I shrugged "depends". She nodded. We turned in some music and listened until we got to town. Once we got there we got batteries, gas, food, and toys and clothes. "Mom if we leave will we take Luke and Judith?" I nodded "I'd try to yes". We all got in the car and started driving again once I got back the wall was finished and firmly placed in the ground. I got in and took the supplies out. "Babies I brought back goodies!!" Naveah and Judith and Luke came running. Everyone sat in the middle of the room. I handed the kids each something for them and then they put up the food. I went to my room and saw my room rearranged and everything changed. I was pissed "Carl come here,!!" He came into the room and I closed the door "their invading my home and privacy! Naveah was scared to eat because of the person cooking it! Their a problem if they don't leave I do!" He shook his head "this is crazy Cal, their our family-" I looked at him "they used to be now we have a real one, figure out with one year ur in with". I stormed out of the room and screamed as I walked outside "god dammit!!" I sat on the ground and cried. Naveah came to me.and cuddled on me "mommy we should leave". I looked at her and nodded "let's go, get your brother and sisters to pack". She ran to the house and I walked in and saw everyone crowding the living room. I packed some food up with medical supplies. I put them in the food truck and made sure the screws were tight on the beds. I jumped out and saw Cam "where are you going?" I spoke bluntly "leaving with my kids". She looked at me scared "why?" I looked at her straight faced "this isn't my home anymore". Cam said something but I walked and saw Carl restricting Naveah from getting to the door "dad get off of me I'm leaving!" He grunted "no you're not, ah Cal tell her". I looked at him "let her go and yes she is". He looked at me realizing what was going on "Cal you can't be serious?!" I nodded "I'm absolutely serious  Carl I counted as the kids went by all of them.were in the van except Judith. "You're not leaving with our kids Cal". I looked at challenging him "but I am". We then heard grunting and we saw Judith pulled her bag down the stairs "I'm ready to go Cal". I smiled at her "baby you can't come with me, you dad wouldn't let you". She pouted "but I wanna go!". She looked at Rick and he shook his head "no". He grabbed her and I packed my things and left. I made sure everyone was safe and drove away. "Your wrong!!" Carl yelled I saw the tears in his eyes. No Carl your wrong.

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