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My eyes went wide "what! I didint do anything!" Carl rolled his eyes. "You had to have done something for Daryl to give me this!" He stepped away realising me and rubbed his forehead. I shrugged Carl slightly growled at me. " you cant get mad at me for something I didn't do ya know!" Carl rolled his eyes "honestly why would I have done anything I mean the only thing he would've known about was us kiss- when we kissed he saw it so thats why!" I rolled my eyes "no dip!" I stormed out of the tombs and up into cell block C. "Perfect everyone's here" Rick said "okay so as you all know we recently had to go rescue Glenn, Maggie, and Callie and the afterwards Daryl who left with Merle and then as you know we got attacked almost killing most of us and damaging our gates. The truth to you is that he made a deal with us to stay away from us if I was going to stay away from his town so thats what we'll do im guessing it was just a warning so im going to need Michone to come with me to my hometown to find some weapons" Carl piped up "I wanna go too" Rick sighed "okay" my heart started racing im not letting him go without me no way. "Ill go too" Daryl growled "no shes not going" Rick raised an eyebrow at us "sorry Cal you nearly got killed today im not letting you risk yourself for a little while longer alright". I sighed "whatever!" I was frustrated and I went back down to the tombs. I heard footsteps behind me and then I was pushed up against a wall and was kissed. I saw Carl and kissed back, once he was done I smirked at him "well Sheriff how was you test driving my list huh?" He laughed "ha ha your so funny but I wanna say bye and ill be back as soon as possible okay?" I nodded and bit my lip "carl?" He looked at me "yeah?" I breathed in "are we together?" He nodded "hell yeah" I rolled my eyes "okay bye now". He left and I bit my lip and slid down the wall smiling. Carl Grimes is my boyfriend

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