Where Are You Carl?

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We woke up and spotted a car gone and where Naveah, Carl, and Callie slept was ruffled up and blood. I woke up the others "Carl, Naveah, and Callie are gone and their injured". Daryl groaned and walked outside and punched a wall. "We have to find them!" Cam yelled terrified. Max held Cam tightly. "We need to find them Daryl start tracking.
Back to Callie

We woke up to the sound of banging. Carl looked at me and smiled "I'll go check it out". Five minutes pass, another five minutes pass. I stood up and opened the door and got hit in the head. I screamed in pain and blood came out of my head. The guy threw me over his shoulder. "Naveah!" Another guy grabbed her. They threw me in the back and drove off. And then I was out like a light. I woke up tyed to a chair. A wooden one "are they this stupid?" Carl spoke "yeah a little bit". I turned and saw him "you idiot!" He laughed. He was tied up room I jumped up and banged down on the ground the chair broke and I slipped out. Carl did the.same "Naveah". He nodded and we searched. We found her hanging on a chain. "Boost me Carl" he lifted me up and I unhooked her. We got her and ran out. We got into a truck and drove off. I put Naveah in the back and I fell asleep. Carl and I sat in the back looking up l. He had his hands interlocked in mine. He kissed my neck softly. I looked at him and he raised an eyebrow. I nodded and he continued to kiss my neck, shoulder, jaw, cheek, lips. Anything. I gripped his hair tightly. And you can tell what happened next. Carl cuddled me "I love you California Addison Monroe". I looked at him and kissed him "I love you more than infinity itself Carl Grimes". He kissed me softly he chuckled. I looked at him "what?" He smiled "thank god Naveah didn't wake-" Naveah started crying. I got up and took care of her. The next morning we continued our journey.

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