Say What!?

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Once I saw him my heart stopped....he's alive. I ran to him with Naveah happily smiling. He hugged me and we kissed "we went back looking for you but we couldn't find you and I thought you were gone and-" I kissed him softly "shut the hell up" he chuckled. Everyone became acquainted and I introduced Abraham to Carl "Carl this is my uncle Abraham". Carl shook his hand "nice to meet you" he nodded "as to you!" After awhile we were given a small amount of food and some water. Carl handed me a little water to make Naveah a bottle I hummed and fed her slowly. Carl wrapped an arm around me and kissed my cheek. I laid my head on his shoulder and Naveah was eventually asleep and as was I. I heard Carl's voice speak "wake up hey wake up wake up Callieeeee wake up!" I jumped out of bed. Was this all a dream!? I looked around seeing my phone on its charger and my room nice and clean and not ruined like it should be. What was going on? I heard a baby crying. Naveah! I ran and followed the cries to see my mom holding my baby brother Jason. "Mom I had the weirdest dream!" I explained it to her and she laughed "hunny if you didn't wanna go camping with your grandpa then you could've just said so". I raised an eyebrow "today's the day it happens!" She looked at me weird "what!?" I looked at her "pack clothes and go to the grocery store get everything you can that is in a can or bottle and water lots of it I'll get dad to get the guns and things and we'll be okay!" She spoke "Cal I'm trusting you here okay and wake your brother's sister up please" she walked downstairs and headed to the stood. I got dressed and woke up Max and then my twin sister Cam and then my twin brother Alex. They got dressed and packed as told and I ran downstairs to my dad and told him and he got his things packed and got guns. And handed up knifes. I can't believe it they believed me. Mom honked really loud as we heard screams I grabbed everything I could manage and my grandpa pulled up and we threw some of our things into his RV. "Go to Atlanta we have people we need!" He nodded and questioned me about it all. "Don't worry about it" we got there and I jumped out with Cam following me. I saw Shane and Loris truck with Carl. I ran over there and spoke "please come with us its not safe in Atlanta please we'll help you but please listen to me come with me and turn around!" Shane nodded "well we have nothing to lose". They followed me and we showed them where to go. I ran to Andrea and Amy's car and got them to follow as well as Sophia and Carol. Then everyone else. We all got there in time we still heard the booms and i covered my ears. "Okay so wanna explain the rush?" Shane asked "let's just say I'm psychic and we were all gonna meet anyways other than my family and this our first stop!" Ed spoke up being the jerk he was "I think your batshit crazy so were going now!" My eyes went frantic "no please I'm not crazy I'm right!". He groaned but stayed.


I held Naveah against my chest Carl walked by "hey where's Cam?" Believe it or not him and Cam have a thing not me and him which sucks cause I still love him. "Yeah on the roof" he walked up there and I walked over to the window and then I saw a flying body with blonde hair tan skin blue eyes. "Cam!!" I screamed. I ran outside and saw her I screamed and sobbed "Max Max Max!!!" He came by and grabbed me "shh come here shh Rick! Lori!! Sophia! Shane!" They all came out and Sophia walked with me to our cell and I sobbed "I didn't know i didn't know!!" Sophia held me "I know Cal I know". I saved everyone Shane, Sophia, Lori, Andrea, T-Dog and everyone else. This was insane why couldn't i save Cam?

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