Where Have You Been?

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I groaned as Judith and Naveah jumped on me. "Wake up mommy wake up!" Naveahs voice said Judith whispered in my ear "Cal wake up were hungry!!". I turned to Carl he wasn't there, probably took Luke to hunt. I got up "okay okay where's Lizzie Mika and Jessica?". They pointed down the hall I heard girly screams as they were listening to a CD. I rolled my eyes and got up, we had a room connected to Judith and Naveahs bedroom. I picked them both up and got them dressed in new clothes, I brushed their hair and did them differently. They picked out a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts for me to wear and I put my waist length hair up in a pencil bun. We walked downstairs and I banged on the girls door "let's go ladies breakfast!". They all stampeded out the door and I started on the pancakes. We found a generator and we've been using it ever since. Basically the kids are Carl's and I's we love them really too much. I finished and fixed the other girls hair after breakfast. We heard a jeep and saw Luke hop out and Carl behind him. Carl and I looked like we were in our twenties but far from it we were 18 now. I picked up Naveah "daddy!!" She screamed and ran outside and hugged him as he picked her up. Judith smiled and hugged Carl "hey Carl". He smiled at her, you're probably wondering where Beth is well she got mad at us and left we haven't seen her since then. So ya know but still were okay. "Okay so what do we have planned today?" I asked Carl. Carl smiled "Luke and I are building a better fence around the house and you should stay inside". He kissed my head. Oh yeah! I'm pregnant were still in the process of finding someone to get rid my baby because we have too many kids. I rolled my eyes as all the kids offered to go outside and help Naveah and Judith of coarse had to stay with me. The sun finally came out and we went outside I laid on a blanket as the girls ran around the yard and played. It seems like the apocalypse was over right? Wrong. Its going on we just have our ways I guess. All of the sudden we see a group of people emerge from the forest. My eyes went wide "Naveah Judith come here now!" They ran and his behind me I pulled out a handgun and all the kids and Carl had their guns out. The group walked up slowly "we aren't gonna hurt you or your kids but please we'll lower our weapons if you lower yours". The people looked oddly familiar, Carl motioned for us to lower our weapons. "Alright well introduce yourself if you wouldn't mind". Carl rolled his eyes "my name is Carl and that's all your getting". A man spoke with long hair he held a blonde girl close "who's the girl back there". He motioned towards me "none of your business get the kids in the house I'll be in soon". I nodded "come on babies let's go Miks let's go". They all ran inside and I looked at Carl one last time and he gave me a reassuring look. I told the kids to go inside and take Judith and Naveah back to the rooms. Luke stayed and we looked at Carl. As he spoke to him they argued and negotiated for an hour. They eventually followed him inside. "Callie it's everyone". I shook my head "not possible they couldn't be here". Then I saw it Rick, Michone, Daryl, Beth, Carol, Tyreese, Sascha, Bob, Eugene, Abraham, Rosita, Maggie,Glenn, and everyone plus a few new ones. "Cal..." A voice said I turned and saw a girl with short hair that looked like me "Cam.." I mummered. She ran and hugged me tightly. "Oh my gosh you're beautiful!" I said. She laughed "no look at you and I mean let me see your hair!" She pulled the pencil out and it fell to my waist. He eyes went wide "gorgeous

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