Judith and Daryl

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Once we got to a safe place i waited and waited for Daryl. He never came, "where's Daryl" I asked in a scared tone. Glenn squinted "he's still at Woodbury". My eyes went wide and I broke down. Glenn and I were both beat up so we had to stay while they went back for Daryl. I cried as Glenn hugged me, "what if he's dead". Glenn sighed, "than we uh we get through it ". I nodded sniffling, "did we ever get the formula for Judith?" Glenn laughed "I'm not sure Cal but we'll find out trust me. " I giggled. After awhile Glenn and I just laid in the car talking we had nothing better to do than that so ya know. Rick came back with Daryl and Merle. Right when Glenn saw Merle he charged at him. "You asshole!!" He screamed. Daryl held him back "calm down!" Glenn growled "no not after what he did to Maggie and Callie!" Daryl's eyes went wide "you did that to her?" Merle shrugged "possibly". Daryl rolled his eyes. In the end Daryl said he was leaving with Merle since Merle would never be accepted by the group. "Daryl don't leave me...please" I whimpered with tears rolling down my cheeks. He sighed and rubbed the tears off my cheeks. Then he left and I was alone. The whole ride back Maggie held me tightly knowing I was gonna be depressed. Once we got back I went and sat in my cell all alone. I cried into my pillow not wanting to get up. Beth brought me some food "hey I know you just got back but can you stay up with Judith tonight?" I nodded "yeah sure don't worry about it". She smiled "thanks Cal". Once everyone was asleep Judith started screaming so I grabbed her box and went and sat where Daryl slept. I held her and played with her. "Your really good with her ya know?" A voice said. I turned and saw Carl (A/N finally guys its Carl time mhm) "yeah I guess so" I put a bottle up to her. Carl smiled "so are you feeling any better?" I raised an eyebrow "from Daryl I mean". I winced "he made his decision and he left nothing more to say ya know". Carl nodded "If you need anyone my cell is like right there so just call for me okay?" I nodded and after he left I smiled. After Judith fell asleep I went to bed and I had a dream everyone was dead and i was alone. I woke up "Carl Carl?!". He came into my cell. "Are you okay?" I smiled "I am now" he grinned and turned to walk out. "Carl..?" He turned back "yeah?" I hesitated "stay with me? Please" he grinned "always". He climbed into my bed and I cuddled up into his chest. He kissed my head. And i fell asleep peacefully

So obviously were finally getting into their relationship a bit more which is a big deal because that's what the stories mainly about so yeah

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