Whats Going On!?

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I giggled as I awoke everyone was still here in my arms. Carl looked hilarious with his mouth open I laughed and got up carefully and picked up the Polaroid camera I got and took a picture. He shuffled causeing Naveah to fall on the ground. "Oof". I giggled and picked her up "bath time princess?" She nodded and I went to the bath we had it was huge and I ran a strawberry scented bath and we both got in. I sang 'I Got Sunshine' with her. We laughed and then Carl walked in and leaned against the door "my ladies". He said I laughed and Mika came in and got in with us. "Now you have all of them" Mika pointed out. He laughed "that's true but uh Luke and I are gonna find jobs and we'll be back soon okay?" I nodded and he was gone. "Okay ladies, let's pamper ourselves today how about hair, outfit, nails, massages?". They all nodded "then let's finish with the hair!" After we were done washing or hair we got dressed and started walking invited Michone and Beth. They both came and we went for our hair and we all got nice cuts, Michone got hers straightened I gasped she looked beautiful. Beth got hers nice and fixed she looked like a dime. After mine It was to my boobs instead of a little bit past my waist. It was gonna be easier to brush that's for sure. The girls got theirs done and Judith got hers re-dyed and we were done there. After awhile we went for our nails and we all got them matching. We then got massages at the massage place next door. After that went to the diner and saw The boys and sat with them. I laughed and didn't see Carl. "Where's Carl?" Rick pointed outside I looked and saw him arguing with McKenna, he pointed at me and then at her grabbed his neck and pulled him into her. My eyes burned and my face felt a lot of heat watching this. I ran outside "what's going on!?" He looked at me "Cal please she kissed me first you had to have seen it I didn't kiss back I swear on my life!!"I growled "your lieing Carl, get out and find a motel I don't need this". I stormed off and started throwing his clothes and such on the yard. Once I was done I sat on the ground and sobbed, Carl did this and I know it. He's a cheater. I screamed and banged my fists on the ground like a 5 year old and cried. Luke came up to me "mom, can I sleep with you tonight?" I nodded. By the time of night Carl had already said goodbye and left, probably to his little girlfriend McKenna. I climbed into bed and the kids joined me. I cried as they held me, this was so wrong. I needed to comfort them not them comfort me.

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