The Farm

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Walkers..... Everywhere. "Daryl!!" I yelled he tossed me his crossbow, "shoot them now!". I pointed the crossbow one down, next one I shot it in the chest and then pulled out my knife and stabbed it in the head five times. By then Daryl got up there, Daryl took the knife and cut off the walkers ears and put them on a necklace. "Daryl what are you doing?!" He shrugged "come on let's go". I followed him, eventually I got tired so Daryl picked me up and I rested my head on his shoulder, "Daryl?". "Yeah?" I asked "do you miss Merle?" I shrugged "it depends on what I miss him about, I mean he was a jacka- I mean jerk and I honestly don't know if I miss him" I nodded "okay" I eventually drifted off to sleep. I drempt about Sophia and Carl together, as a couple and they were older and I was behind prison bars and I just cried. And then I got woken up by falling on the ground. I saw Daryl with a bullet grathed on his head "Daryl!!" I screamed and got picked up and I started kicking and eventually they realised me. I pulled out my knife and turned around to face them and saw Shane and Rick. "Shane!" I said and hugged him tight. He picked me up, "come on baby girl". We walked off into a direction of our tents and a large house. "Where are we?" Shane chuckled "a farm" I rubbed his head, "where's your hair?" He chuckled again "its gone" I rolled my eyes as he set me down to walk inside the house. A girl with short brown hair walked up to me. "Who's this?" She asked Shane. "One of the kids we lost mind getting your dad to make sure she's alright?" She nodded "Daddy!!" An older man came out from a room. "Can you give this little one a check up?" He nodded "of coarse come with me sweetheart" he put his hand out to me. I took it and we went into a room he looked at my legs and my arms and checked everything out. He smiled at me as he did so. "So sweetie what's your name?" I grinned "Callie". "Well Callie your perfectly fine" he helped me to the door and then I paused. "Can I see Daryl now?" He nodded "of coarse" he led me to a room and I walked in. "Get the hell out!" He yelled . "oh hey shortcake" he said and sat up a smidge and patted the spot next to him. I went and sat next to him, "Daryl are you okay" he nodded "just a battle scar shortcake" I nodded "what about you?" He asked, "I'm good the doctor said I'm perfectly fine!" I grinned at him. He chuckled I smiled. After a bit more chatting I left and walked over to the camp. "Gramps?" My grandpa came out of the RV. "Callie!" He yelled and ran to me and hugged me tightly. He ruffled my hair. I asked where Lori was and he pointed to where Carol was. I ran over and hugged Lori. She dropped the clothes and hugged me. "Are you alright baby?" I nodded "I'm fine mom I mean Lori" she smiled "you can call me mom baby" I nodded "pick up some clothes and help us sweetie" Carol said. I nodded and handed them clothes. After a few minutes Carol asked, "where's Sophia?" I shrugged "I lost her at a river" which was partly true. Carol nodded, "excuse me". She left. "So baby girl do you know how to cook?" I shook my head "well tonight I'll teach you okay?" I smiled and nodded "okay!" She laughed. A little bit later I found Carl. Once he saw Me his eyes went wide "Callie?!" I nodded and he ran and hugged me he had his dad's sherrif hat on. "Are you okay?" He asked I nodded "duh why else would I not be?" He rolled his eyes "whatever" I laughed. We hung out and he told me what happened since I'd been gone. After a while Lori came and got me. Lori began to teach me things. A girl named Beth saw us "I wish I had a relationship like that with my mom" Lori shook her head "she's not my my daughter although it would be nice" she said grinning at me. By the time we finished everything I was tired so I went to Daryl's room. "Hi shortcake" he grinned. I waved "Lori taught me how to cook so now when your hungry I can make you some food " he chuckled "you sure can!" I laughed he began to tell me about his life and eventually I was asleep. I woke up to Carl. "What do you want?" I asked. "For you to come hang out with me!" I rolled my eyes and got up slipping on some shorts a gray long sleeved shirt and some sneakers. We eventually started running around the fields not really doing anything. After awhile the barn was opened because Shane well was being a little weird. And out poured walkers. And a lot of them. Boom boom boom. Daryl was near me but then out popped another one it was my best friend....Sophia. I screamed, "no no no Sophia!!" I screamed and Daryl held Carol back and I back away until I ran into Lori. Lori held me and sat down with me. I just couldn't bear it. "I lied!" I screamed "Sophia fell the first night and died and distracted me before she did I'm sorry" I sobbed gripping Lori's shirtm Rick came over to me holding all of us and then walked away as beth did something dumb and went to her dead walker mom that tried to eat her. "Dad was right to shoot her, I would've done it" my eyes went wide. "Jerk!" I yelled and ran off and eventually as I was about to go into the woods I was grabbed by Daryl. "Let me go!!" I screamed. "Nope I'm not loosing you again shortcake!" He dragged me back to camp. "I hate Carl I hate him!! He would've shot her he would've shot Sophia!!" I sobbed into my hands. He sighed "he had to Cal, the world is harsh and if you had he coming at you you would've had to too" I shook my head "no I wouldn't have!" I then shook my head. "No I would've I would've I would've I would've. " I ran to the RV imeadiatly I hate life!

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