What Are We Gonna Do

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I screamed as I awoke it was just a dream I relived myself. I brushed my blonde hair with my fingers obviously not going to go back to sleep. I picked up Naveah "oh Veah, we'll make it". She giggled at me I smiled and Carl woke up yawning like an idiot and wrapped his arms around my waist and laying his head on my back. "Good morning" I whispered he chuckled "let's get changed and find a place to camp at until were ready to go.". I nodded and got up and changed yeah I didn't hide my body it doesn't matter. I redressed Naveah and Carl held our bags and we started walking. Naveah was in my arms getting fed as we came along and saw Mika. Mika and Lizzie and Judith. Mika was backing away from Lizzie and Lizzie had her knife pointed I turned to look at Carl but he was already going to help Mika. He grabbed Lizzie's knife and Mika collapsed. I sighed in relief and ran to where they were I set Naveah down on the blanket with Judith. "Mika wake up come on Miks". She sighed and opened her eyes "Cal. ..". I sighed and hugged her tightly. Carl was scolding Lizzie. She was going on and on about how she would've came back. "Mika let's get the babies inside okay?" She nodded and I picked up Naveah and went inside with Mika on my trail. Judith was then set in the play pen aswell as Naveah. I smiled and looked at Mika "who's here with you?" She looked at me funny "you saw us all get in the van Cal". I shook my head "who else". She rolled her eyes "Jessica, Luke, and Beth". I signed in relief "where are they?" Mika sighed "Beth is about to die". I looked at her "what?!" She bit her lip "she was stabbed and is in the back room waiting on Me, Lizzie, and Judith". I nodded and ran back to the room and saw Jessica and Luke crying. I gave them a warm smile. I went to Beth's side "Cal?" She whispered and my thoughts went back to Sophia that night. I shook the thought away and investigated her body and saw the gash. I sighed "I've got you Beth" I pulled out wrap and gauze and medicine Carl and I had. I wrapped up her stomach and she whimpered as I put on the proxide. "I'm sorry it hurts Beth, but you'll be okay now I promise". She smiled "if I don't tell Judith and Naveah I love them and will forever cherish them". I shook my head "no that's what you'll do I swear on it!". She smiled and fell asleep and I was left with the six kids and Carl. He was setting up sleeping arrangements. "Lizzie is sleeping in our room" he said clearly and Lizzie shook her head "no way". "Yes way now Jessica Luke and Mika will be sharing a room and I'll actually be sleeping in the living room with the kids". Carl groaned but we made dinner and fed them and Carl brought Beth her food. Once they were finished we got them ready for bed and sent them away. I kissed Carl goodnight and he sleep at the door so Lizzie didn't go on a killing spree. I laid down on the pullout couch. I heard a door creeking open "go to bed Lizzie". I then saw Mika "can I sleep with you please?" I nodded and opened up my arms for her "Cal?" I nodded "hm?" She hesitated "I want you to adopt me please". I bit my lip "okay Mika". She smiled and cuddled up to me and we were asleep.

The next day we decided to go out Mika and I. "When are you and Carl going to get married mom?" I shrugged "not sure Miks" she giggled "it'd be a beautiful wedding wouldn't it?" She turned and looked at me and I nodded "the most beautiful". She smiled at me excitedly. We spent the rest of the day planning my wedding. Once we got back I started cooking and Carl kissed my cheek "so wedding plans huh?" I turned around and looked at Mika she laughed "sorry mom". He raised an eyebrow "two kids at 16 wow". I punched his shoulder "shut up". He chuckled at me. We eventually ate after awhile and we all were in the living room other than Carl who was doing the dishes with Luke. Luke loved it, Carl was treating him like a son and Carl adores him. "We could stay here, ya know" Mika said I nodded and looked at Carl "yeah, yeah we could" he said smiling. I grabbed Jessica and started dancing with her and everyone giggled I sang diamonds are a girls best friend. We played around for awhile and then we all went to bed. What are we gonna do?

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