Dont Leave Me

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I heard someone walk in and I got up and pulled on a towel. I walked out and held a knife in my hand. I saw bags on the floor and I followed the trail of dirt. I held it tightly in my hands, I walked and saw someone in my fridge "who the hell are you!!" I yelled. The guy turned around and saw Me and dropped the milk carton "Cal..". I gasped "Carl.....". He ran to me and hugged me and kissed me softly. I sighed "Don't Leave me....ever again please". He nodded "never Cal, never". I laughed and hugged him as tight as possible. I then saw Luke and Naveah and Judith. I covered my mouth and sobs escaped and they ran and hugged me. Carl saw Mika and hugged her. "Were together again Carl". He nodded "always and forever princess". We all decided to take a rest and sleep. We were woken up by Rick, Michone, Daryl, and Beth. I laughed and got up throwing on a pair of leggings, shirt, and boots with my curly hair in a ponytail. I ran downstairs to find Judith screaming at Rick I put a hand on my hip "what's going on?". Judith ran to me and hugged my leg "daddy said that my mommy is dead but she's not because she's right here!!" She pointed at Michone. I smiled and Michone hugged Judith. I smiled and we walked down to the diner they had it was similar to the one we had. We asked if they needed two waitresses. They told us we were hired. We sat down and ate and laughed and enjoyed ourselves. After awhile we all went to the "Walmart" they had and us girls went clothes and makeup and furniture shopping. For our first two weeks everything is free so we were letting loose. Beth and I got everything we wanted and needed. After awhile we went home and I sat in Carl's arms in a loveseat with Luke, Mika and Naveah. We both spoke at the same time "this is perfect"

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