Finding Everyone

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Callie's POV

I was washing the dishes in my grandfather's R.V as he was driving. We decided to go on a camping trip because we wanted to I guess. He's like my father in a way because my dad walked out on me and my mom when I was 10, which was only a year ago. He had the radio up on high and we were singing along to some county music. He laughed as I started dancing around the RV. Then the radio switched, warning all drivers and all people outside get into a safe area immediately the virus has spread so get under control and go to a safe area I repeat a safe area!

I raised an eyebrow to my grandpa. He shrugged and pulled out a map "well were here and your house is here and mines here so I'm guessing were gonna head to Atlanta if that qualifies as a safe place" he said doing quotes as he said the last part. I giggled "yeah let's do it gramps! Road Trip!!" He laughed and we turned around and started towards Atlanta. We did the usual gathering of supplies but of course we stopped by the convenience store and we bought as much as we could since the virus is getting worse. We eventually got stuck on the highway behind a truck. A boy with short hair and a woman with long brown hair and a tall muscular guy got out. They started talking so my grandpa got out and I followed. My blond hair shaking behind me. We made it to them. "So what do you thinks going on?" He asked them and they looked at him and then the boy looked at me. I smiled and he lightly smiled at me. They began to talk about the virus and what's going on. "Well were going into the woods to investigate would you like to come Dale?" The man named Shane asked. "Sure, come on kids". Carl and I ran after them. He told about what's happened in his town and how crazy it was. I told him I never paid attention to that. He nodded, as we were coming down a hill I tripped over a root and Carl grabbed my arms and caught me quickly. I looked up into his blue eyes and quickly thanked him. When we made it to where we could see. We saw helicopters flying around and then boom. Bombs everywhere I screamed and held on to Carl. This is a bad world and I don't like it. After that we immediately found a way out and Carl, Lori, and Shane came with us. On our way out there we met a Hispanic family along with two girls named Amy and Andrea and a guy named T-dog and another woman. We found a place out-of-town where My grandpa and I always swam and fished at when we camped out. We all set up tents in places and my grandpa set me up my bed on a nice place in the back room, only one bed. "Why only bed? Aren't you sleeping back here Grandpa?" He shook his head, "the couch is my bed now." I rolled my eyes "no you're not sleeping there now I'm gonna go get some berries see you in a minute". He kissed my head and I walked out and Carl saw me, "hey where you going?" "Berry hunting",I said. "OK be careful" he said and I nodded and walked into the forest and started looking for berries I was humming a sweet song. I grinned when I saw a bunny. All of the sudden I hear a groaning noise and a walker was on me in seconds. I screamed "help " I just screamed I grabbed a stick and put it to his neck so he could get me. I screamed until an arrow went through his head I sighed and breathed heavily. I saw a guy kick the body from me and him pick me up. "You alright?" He asked I nodded "thanks" he grunted "are you all alone out here?" I shook my head, "well hell Daryl the girls got a group so let's go to them" the guy named Daryl sighed "yeah alright come on show us the way". I nodded and made my way back to camp. "Gramps, Lori, Shane, Carl, guys!!" Everyone came out. "Who are y'all?!!" Shane yelled "come over to Lori Callie now!" I ran over to Lori. "Now who are you!"Shane yelled, "Daryl and Meryl Dixon we just need a group!" Meryl yelled. Shane put his gun down. After that we all stayed put I hung out with Carl and Sophia all the time and I Sophia became my best friend. After that Andrea, T-Dog, Glenn, Morales, and Jacqui , and that was it. After so we all had fun and relaxed I swam most of the time ya know.after that I was sitting with Lori, she's kinda became my mother in a way. Glen pulled up in a car and a van moved in as well. Everyone looked around and I saw Lori sigh as everyone was hugging their families. Then a guy came out of the van with a sheriffs outfit on. "Dad?" Carl said and Lori and Carl ran up to them. I smiled and they all hugged Carl dragged him to me. "Dad this is Callie" I waved "hi sir nice to meet you!" I shook his hand he grinned "its nice to meet you too." And then Sophia, Carl, and I decided to go look aroundd the woods. We saw a giant buck and a walker tearing apart his flesh I gasped and yelled for my grandpa as Sophia yelled for Carol and Carl yelled for his dad and mom. I ran into Lori and Carl ran into Me. "Sorry" he mumbled I nodded and we heard a lot of noise and saw Daryl after that they decided to leave to go find Meryl and after that the camp got attacked and we lost almost everyone and we decided to go to CDC.

Sorry guys I decided to make this most of the first season. so we could get that out of the way and onto the good stuff Also it's not the best, go to the last chapter if you want a different story i guess.

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