Please Come Back!

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We made it to a closed off motel. Perfect I pulled in and blocked up the area and got the kids in a room with me. I settled them in bed and I grabbed my rifle and sat by the end of the bed with Judith and Naveah in my lap. I looked at them thy both looked like sisters except that Naveah was blonde. I sighed, I kinda missed Carl just a smidge not too much. I eventually fell asleep and heard a banging noise on the door. I heard whimpers and saw the kids hiding. I put a finger to my lips and went up to the door and saw Rick, Michone, Cam, Carl, and Carol. I groaned and opened the door. "What!?" They all pulled me out of the room and closed the door. "You need to come back" Michone said. Carol nodded "Judith hasn't stopped crying wishing you were there". Carl was about to speak as Rick cut him out "I'm sorry for not taking care of Naveah for you or even warning you about it" and Carol spoke "yeah I'm sorry for cooking without your permission and not letting the girls listed listen to your rules and making them listen to me More than you." I nodded "it's okay really its just I'm uncomfortable, it didn't feel like my home anymore I've been away from everyone for so long I'm not used to it". They nodded "please come back Cal!!" Carl begged. I Sighed "okay okay okay! But if you wanna live near us then you have to get your own places". They nodded and I got the kids to pack up Naveah smiled and ran to Carl "daddy!!" He kissed her "don't leave me ever again" he said. We then went to the car and I leaned on Carl "what do you think is wrong with the baby?" He asked the baby hasn't been growing "I'm not sure, but I can find out maybe if that would make you feel better" he nodded "it would and also what would happen if it died?" I shrugged "who knows it may be different ya know". He nodded I tried to not think about the bad thought of me getting eaten by my own baby. We made it home and we ate dinner with everyone. They all had mobile homes here in the next few days all had different walls. Lizzie decided to go live with Carol and David (not dead David). I nodded and Jessica went with Cam and her husband she met. Luke and Naveah stayed with us and Judith and Rick lived with us. We made it to where we had a small town building up. We had a few more people join us and we were okay with it.

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