The Diseased Walkers

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2 Months Later

I was in the guard tower with Carl sleeping. He was snoring really loud in my ears I felt his warm arm still on my stomach. I grinned and turned around smiling. His shaggy hair was in every which way which I found adorable. I pushed some of his hair out of the way. He smiled at me and revealed his blue eyes to me. I grinned hi handsome" he chuckled "hi beautiful". He leaned in and kissed me softly and placed his hand on my hip and mine was on his shoulder. "Guys we need Carl for period-" Beth's voice said. We immediately broke apart "uh alright I'm on it come on up with Judith Beth" Carl said as he got up and slipped on his flannel and his shoes and grabbed his holster and gun and went down as Beth handed me Judith. He kissed Judith's forehead and kissed me and walked down. Once he was gone Beth smiled "you guys are so cute your in love and everything its just like a romance novel!" I laughed "yeah a crazy one, you bring my clothes?" She nodded and handed me a dress and boots identical to hers. I smiled and slipped them on. She pulled my hair up into a bun for me and I carried Judith down to the gates. "Good morning Maggie" I said sweetly. She grinned as she stabbed a walker "good morning you idiot" I smiled. We made our way up to the dining area. I grabbed some deer and eggs with water. Beth and I were going to be cleaning Cell Blocks today while watching kids. We were about to walk inside when Daryl came and kissed my forehead softly. "Morning Shortcake" I smiled and kissed his cheek "morning Daryl". Once we were inside Alex and Zach came up to us. "Hey are y'all busy today because of not were available and would love to well 'take' you out" Zach said winking. I wrinkled up my nose "no thanks come on Beth" we walked into Cell Block B and started cleaning it basically mopping sweeping picking up trash and collecting the kids. I smiled at Mila. "Good morning Cal!" I smiled "hi Mila mind holding Judy for me?" She nodded and held Judith. I grinned and finished mopping and left with Beth and the kids to finish Cell Block C the one we live in. "Alright your all hanging out here for the rest of the day no buts are we clear?" Beth said sternly. I grinned as we finished cleaning the outside of our cell block. We cleaned up silently and danced around humming. "I'll take Carl's you get Ricks?" She nodded and i went to Carl's cell. I cleaned up the dirt and things and fixed his bed and packed his just in case bag. I rearranged his things neatly. I saw his hat and smiled and picked it up and looked at it. "You like that hat huh?" He said smiling at me. I nodded and shook my head "sorta". All of the sudden we heard screams. My eyes went wide. I grabbed my gun and Carl pushed me away from the hallway "stay here Cal I don't care what your gonna say but stay here!" He yelled. He was gone I went to Beth and the kids and Mila comforted me was there an outbreak? Daryl walked in and sighed in relief "thank god your okay" I ran to him and he spoke "Cal no keep your distance" he didn't hug back. "What's wrong?" He hesitated "there's an outbreak and I might have it so you need to stay away. Were gonna put you kids in quarantine and well you'll need to be careful because Carl might have it too" I shook my head. "How are we gonna fix this?" He shrugged "not sure but go pack for you and Judith" I nodded and packed enough for Judith and the me. The kids went and got their things and we went to the mail room. I groaned "Carl please stay in here with me...please" he shook his head "no but I'll visit and i I love you Cal"

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