At CdC

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Once we got to CDC we were told that once the doors closed they were never getting opened again. We got told there was hot water and couches and mattresses I squealed. I got roomed with Sophia and Carol. I went to the showers it felt so good Running down my back. After I finished I ran into Carl. My eyes and his went wide I was only in a towel. I ran as fast as I could to the room. I threw on my clothes and brushed my hair and out on my beanie. After that it was dinner time we were all relaxing and eating when after that all the men went to bed and it was me Carl Lori carol and Sophia. We were looking at books and then Lori and Carol sent us to bed. I went to the room and then realized my hat was still in there. I peeked around and saw Shane trying to..touch Lori in places. I put a hand over my mouth and then he walked out. I walked in and Lori saw me and I ran to her and cuddled her tightly. She eventually got up and grabbed my beanie and put it on my head. "Goodnight sweetie" she kissed my forehead and went the room and went to mine and slept on the couch and cried thinking about Lori and Shane and Shane trying to hurt her. I cried myself to sleep and I woke up and I went to breakfast and I saw Lori on the way there she bent down and hugged me "I love you sweetie don't ever let anyone hurt you until ever okay?" I nodded and hugged her she squeezed me tightly and kissed my forehead. We walked in and I sat next to Carl it was a little weird after the towel incident After breakfast everything went crazy he showed us theirs was no cure and locked us in. He wanted us to commit suicide. I sat down and cried and cried on Carl's shoulder. Why us? Carl had an arm around me everyone had everything packed up. Shane and Rick convinced him to let us go. My grandpa stayed behind with Andrea i screamed "no grandpa come on its her decision!" He shook his head "go now!" . Carl grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could out of there. I sighed in relief seeing that Andrea and my grandpa got out safe. I hugged them both and we got into the RV.

Sorry its So short!! Xxxxxx

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