Are You Okay?

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It led to the point that we devised a plan and Naveah and I were the main parts. Carl objected "no I don't think so no way". Rick shook his head "Carl if you want her to live we have to get through this and she has to help". He shook his head "no I won't allow_" I sighed "Carl I'll be okay I promise". The second part of the plan was to get what we needed and go because it wasn't safe here. Third part was to split up because it'll be harder to track then just one big group. We started the plan "I'll see you after this okay?" Carl said and softly kissed me I nodded "never would I leave you". He sat down a down and started banging on the door and yelling. "Hey I'm I'm bleeding please help me I'm serious I'm pregnant this isn't exactly good please let me out!". The guy Gareth opened the door and ushered me out "follow me". He checked me out before closing the door. I kicked him in the face and stomped his head in. "Gross" I opened the door. And smiled Carl grinned and Rick spoke "Tara, Rosita, and Maggie you get out of here". Naveah and I followed behind them I turned around swiftly and blew Carl a kiss and ran after them. Maggie stabbed a few people and we got out of there. We got a moving truck and inside were beds and clothes and food. It was a getaway car. I sat on the bed with Naveah in my arms. Tara asked to hold her and I nodded "Is she yours?" Rosita asked I shook my head "she's adopted basically". Rosita nodded "what ever happened to her parents?" I signed "they uh they died as soon as they made it to the prison". Tara stiffened and handed Rosita Naveah. After awhile we decided to stop for awhile. I was cuddling with Maggie. "Mags". She replied with a hm. I sighed "will they find us anytime soon?" She nodded "they know where were at Cal, we'll be okay". I nodded and fell asleep and awoke to a warm shirtless body. I turned around and saw a mess of brown hair. I laughed and kissed him "good morning" he whispered in his morning voice. I laughed and handed him his shirt. "Everyone okay?" He nodded "guess who we found". I shrugged he opened the door and I spotted my misfit family "they said they knew you". My mouth dropped "Cam, Max, Alex, Jason, Dad, Mom!" I hugged all of them. Carl grinned. "Oh Camilla I've missed you!" She rolled her eyes "missed you more California". I laughed and hugged her tight. "hey it's other twin time!" Alex said and I hugged him ruffling his dirty blonde hair. Max had his arms wide and I ran into them he kissed my for head. "Your old" he said simply. I laughed and kissed his cheek. I hugged my parents and saw a two year old Jason. I smiled "oh Jason" he hugged me tightly and I hugged him. After that we were on the move. Naveah was in my arms and Can smiled. "I can't believe it"_ I looked at her "what?" She laughed "you had a baby!" I laughed hard "no I didn't she's adopted!". Can laughed "oh....oops". We laughed and talked until dinner "I've got Naveah duty tonight so y'all might wanna take care of the food" Maggie said. We began cooking until we heard the worst voice we've ever heard. I whimper as he spoke "thought you killed me huh Princess?".

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