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One year later

I made my way to the diner for my shift and saw Carl riding a horse with Rick with their hats on. They were Sheriff and Deputy I waved as I walked in and placed my jacket and purse on the rack. The place was packed with lunch rush. "Sorry Beth!" She rolled her eyes laughing carrying five plates "just hurry up and get orders". I nodded and grabbed the plates she had left and served them to Daryl and Carol who were having lunch. I then went to another table that had Lizzie, and David at. "Spying on Carol?" I asked writing down what they wanted he nodded "I wouldn't say spying but yes". I laughed and continued on and it came the time of Carl, Mika, Luke, and Naveah, Judith, and Rick. Judith asked Rick to bleach her hair so she now looked like Naveah. I smiled as I grabbed a seat next to them. "Hey guys" they all smiled "hey there beautiful!" Carl said. Your probably wondering where my baby is. Well we gave him to Beth because she found out she couldn't have kids. Daryl and her were happy you could just see it. We all had dinner here together the whole group. We all had a good night and went to one of our houses and watched a movie. We had a town now, and a way to live. We had people come in everyday. The only thing required was houses. That's all we asked of until we planned to move into a real town. I thought about it daily. We have a mayor and that mayor was Tyreese he was married now with a daughter named Lorelei. She was beautiful. Everyone had a good life all that was needed was a good town to clear out and start building fences on. We all ate and enjoyed our dinner it was Carl and I's turn. Eventually we all ended up in my house eating popcorn and everything. The kids were asleep so we let them stay here. Carl and I went to sleep. "Carl." He looked at me as I cuddled into him "yeah?" He whispered "can we stay like this forever?" He nodded "always Cal always and Forever".

The end

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