The Baby

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We had a group of people come and try and fight us for the prison one day while Lori was going to give birth. Maggie, Lori, Carl, and I were in a room that was locked up. "Lori stop trying to push it out your hurting yourself!!" I yelled. She still tryed to and I saw blood. I covered my mouth and Carl grabbed me. I sat down next to Lori and held her hand as Magiie tried to get the baby out. "We have to cut it out now or else the baby will die". My eyes went wide and Lori gripped my hand hard. "You take care of her Carl you hear me and Callie, be careful out there okay?" And all of the sudden you heard a babies crys and Lori's hand felt loose in mine. She was dead. "Lori!!!" I sobbed "lori wake up wake up please please don't be dead please!" No response. "Lori wake up please Lori open your ey-" bang. A bullet went through her head. I looked up at Carl. We heard less noise outside so we went out there. I sobbed and sobbed. Carl had his arm around me and was holding me close as Maggie held the baby. We walked into the yard. Daryl saw me and I ran to him and he held me. Rick looked at us, "where's Lori?" I winced Maggie hesitated, "she's uh dead". Rick's eyes went wide. "No, no no" he went on his knees. I closed my eyes I couldn't handle the pain. After that Maggie, Glenn, and I had to go get formula. Carl insisted I stay but I declined. We went in there and I grabbed a duck and shook it, "perfect for Judith!" Maggie and Glenn laughed. We grabbed enough formula to last a few months. All of the sudden a gun was pointed at us. "Holy shit look who it is, chinaman and shorty" it was Merle. Maggie grabbed my hand, "get in the car all of ya, I think were gonna go for a ride" I shook my head, "no way Merle" he then grabbed my hair and shoved me into the car. Glenn got in and so did Maggie. I was terrified.

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