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I screamed when I saw Maggie standing there "hunny I think you need the birds and bees talk" I laughed "um no thank you its not like I wanna be like Carl's mom ya know"

She laughed "true but honestly watch out boys sometimes think they have more power so prove him wrong alright?" I jodded. She walked out and I sat down and sighed what if Carl died what if I never saw him like ever again? Ugh being with someone sucks too much drama yikes! "You okay Cal?" A familiar Georgia accent said. I rolled my eyes "yes Daryl I'm alive and worried" Daryl chuckled "alrighty then but what about?" He sat down next to me "Carl, what if I never get to see him again?" He shrugged "then thats life we loose people alot and we cant control it ya know." I nodded silently he grinned."so you hung-" we heard all to familiar moans. "Oh my god Daryl whats going on?!" I screamed as he locked me into the cell. "They tried to clear out the prison stay here

Dont waste your bullets okay? I'll be back I promise" he was gone and I was alone. I sighed silently hoping this would end. A few walkers came up to me so I just stabbed them in the head and sat down. I had a pile or so of walkers outside of the room. I just slept I had alot of blood around my face and neck so I needed an immediate shower like asap. I fell asleep when I heard a creak and crying. "Callie wake up please please wake up Callie" it was Carl. "Please be alive!" He shouted. I acted like a walker and slowly opened my eyes and groaned. "Holy shit!" He yelled and I started laughing. I heard him growl "what the hell Cal!" I laughed "sorry handsome" he rolled his eyes. "So they cleared out the prison so just in case we run out of space we have more cells " I laughed and jumped on his back. "Perfect for when im on my period" he ewwed loudly "Cal thats gross" he carried me up to my cell and kissed me softly and left. I felt butterflies or maybe that disgusting pea soup either way I was happy to be with Carl. Maybe we could get married

So yeah a filler basically but it kinda shows you how Callie feels and Carl I suppose but yeah

I've Got You ~Carl Grimes~Where stories live. Discover now