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After awhile we finally made it, Naveah and Judith are missing and its just Beth, her baby, Mika, Me and my baby. We got to Ashley Finally. We were greeted by a girl in a maids outfit "hi, welcome to Ashley we'll get you settled in as soon as possible just some medical check ups and you'll have a home of your choice". We nodded and I grabbed Mika and Beth's hand. We continued to follow the girls and saw a town full of people and electricity, it was just like our place. We were sent into a realaste office and then a doctors office. They both said that Beth and I were pregnant and both of us were healthy and so was Mika. We were given clothes and things and sent to our new homes. I walked in with Mika and got into a shower and started crying. I was alone and everyone my kids and husband were probably dead.


I held onto Judith and Naveah as we walked into Ashley. I hesitated as a girl came up to us my age she eyed me and smiled "welcome to Ashley I'm McKenna nice to meet you all". We all nodded and I pushed Naveah and Judith behind me. "Follow me and we'll get you checked up and get you a home unless you believe you have family here". I sighed and looked down at Naveah and Judith "is a Callie here? She had to have arrived here today". The woman nodded "yes she had a little blonde girl about that boys age with her and a blonde girl who was pregnant.". Daryl and I smiled "we live with those two". The girl nodded sadly "houses forty eight and fifty". She handed us a key and then we were sent to their hospital. We were all healthy. We got to the house and I walked in and sighed. Finally

I've Got You ~Carl Grimes~Where stories live. Discover now