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I wanted to scream when I woke up Daryl was leaning against the door way while 1 Carl  Had no shirt on and 2. Was cuddling with me. I waved at Daryl "Hi Daryl" he growled "get up now I don't care if you wake him up get up!" My eyes went wide. I got up carefully and changed into shorts and a T-shirt with sneakers. He grabbed my wrist and led me into the hall. "What the hell happened last night between you and Carl". He still had ahold of my wrist "nothing Daryl nothing!" I yelled. Trying to pry his rough hand off my wrist his hand just tightened. I winced "Daryl let me go!" He held on as if his life depended on it "did you do anything with him" I whimpered "tell me!" I cried "no now let me go you asshole!". He let go and I stepped away from him looking at my wrist seeing bruises. His eyes went wide and full of guilt "Cal i- i- didn't mean to I swear". I shook my head "leave i know you just came to check on me so just go ". I looked up at him he was still there "go now get out of here!!". I whimpered and sat down crying realizing somwthing, Daryl just hurt me. The weight he puts on my shoulders is terrible I can't even tell you. Eventually Judith woke up and I fed her and Beth came over to me "can i braid your hair?" I shrugged "why not" she braided my hair quietly humming and then looked down. "Cal what happened to your wrist...?" I sighed "nothing Beth its fine I'm gonna go out to get some sun". I set Judith down and walked out sit and laid on the ground I heard footsteps. "Hey you okay when I woke up you were gone and I heard yelling". I shook my head slightly "its fine nothing was wrong". Carl nodded as he sat next to me. "So um quick question why'd you really want me to stay with you last night?" I shrugged "nightmare I guess I mean its complicated carl " I didn't get to finish ny sentence because Carl kissed me. (A/N bet you werent expecting that huh huh) I kissed back slightly before he broke away. "Get down"!"I raised an eyebrow "what?" Carl shoved me down as bullets went flying through the air. I crawled to nearest picnic table. Carl ran to the gates and grabbed a gun yelling to Rick that I was out there unarmed. I rolled my eyes slightly and we shot at them and then a van came busting through the fences. They stopped in the middle and realised a bunch of Walkers. My eyes went wide, I was screwed. I picked up a stick as the person ran out and drove off with the governor and his army.  Damn this weight I get like foreal. A walker came after me and I stabbed it in the eye the blood getting on my face. I stabbed one after one  but there was too many pretty soon they were everywhere and one jumped on me i screamed unable to get it off I was so close to biting me. I heard someone scream " Callie!!" In a cracked voice. I wanted to die honestly this world wasnt worth living in. Then an arrow went through its head. Daryl. He helped me up "are you trying to get yourself killed!?" I nodded "basically" he slapped the back of my head. I slapped him as we ran back into the prison. Carl hugged me tightly "I thought you were dead". I laughed "you can't get rid of me that easily". He chuckled "yeah true" Daryl stepped in between us "come with me Carl we have to talk". My eyes went wide I ran to the tombs and sat in one of the cells. It was my hideout I guess my girl spot. I keep a lot there believe it or not. I pulled out a phone it was my phone I smiled as I looked at it wishing we had electricity to charge it. I changed out of my ripped clothes and slipped on a sweater, jeans, and boots with my hair let down. I walked out closing the door and locking it. I walked back up stairs as Carl grabbed me and slammed me up against the wall he pulled something out of his pocket. A Condom

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