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My grandpa had at least like 10 people in the RV so Daryl offered to let me ride on the bike with him, I of coarse agreed. As we were riding on the highway we found a crap load of cars blocking our way. Daryl tried to find a way through and the only way through was to move them or walk. So we had a few of us try and move them while the others searched the cars. Sophia, Carol, Lori, Carl and I all decided to go out by ourselves. Sophia and I searched a car and we found dolls and we got really interested of course soph and I were more of stuffed animal kind of gals but its the apocalypse. And Lori spotted walkers and a herd of them. Sophia and I went under the same car. Carl looked at me the whole time, watching me closely as the walkers walked by. Once we thought they were gone I moved out a little bit and there was one more he saw me and dropped down and tried to get to us. Sophia and I ran out if the car and into the woods two walkers chasing us. We held hands and we fell and we tumbled at it happened I heard Carol and Lori scream after us. We still ran and I mean fast when all of the sudden Rick found us. "Rick their coming their coming!" Sophia yelled. "Shhh" he said " come on follow me!" He held onto us as we ran to a small creek he told us "squeeze up under there and stay still until were out of the sight and keep the sun on your left shoulder you hear me!" We nodded and me and Sophia squeezed together. Rick led them away and me and Sophia ran believe it or not we are too scared to think about where to go. We just ran and then bam once the sun was down we made it to a river. Sophia stepped too far to the edge and she busted her head open. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I ran down to her and pulled her onto the river bank and pulled her onto my lap and held her. The cut was too bad I couldn't do anything about it. She was barely conscious. "Callie.." She said I sobbed "Sophia don't leave me p-please" she looked up at me "Cals look up at The sky isin't it beautiful" I looked up and saw it. The sky was gorgeous. "Yeah Soph it's-" my eyes went wide she was gone. "Sophia!! Wake up wake up wake up!! Sophia no wake up!!" I screamed and screamed. She was dead and soon to be alive again. I imeadiatly set her down and hid in a tree. She got up at sun time and was not my sophia anymore. She wasn't my best friend anymore, she was dead. I wanted to scream and I wanted to cry. But I couldn't so I just stayed put. I slept for days and when I woke up I was starving. I found some berries and ate. I heard noises and thought about walkers. I got back in my tree and then I heard a horse. I turned and saw it gallop off as a man went rolling down the same place Sophia did. My eyes went wide, he was alive. The person then looked up and looked familiar. " Daryl" I whispered. I jumped down and ran into the water. "Daryl!!" I yelled and noticed he had an arrow in his side. I covered my mouth "Daryl!" I ran to him. "Callie!" He said "hold on okay?" He went looking for his crossbow in the water. Once he found it he asked "where's Sophia". I shrugged "I don't know" I lied. I couldn't face the fact that she was gone. "Uh alright come on help me out with this squirrel". I nodded and he handed me a knife as he wrapped a peice of his sleeve around his side where his arrow was. He told me where to cut it at and I did and seperated its skin. We ate it little by little as did Daryl. "Daryl you got blood on your face" he shrugged "come on let's go, we've got a place now". I nodded "as long as it's not at CDC". He chuckled "I agree" we had to climb up a ledge to make our way there. "We could just go around it'd be easier " he shook his head "no too long come on I'll get you up first". I nodded . he grabbed my legs and pushed me up the ledge and I made it up there. Daryl struggled for a bit and fell "Daryl!" I gasped and then I didn't like what I heard after that...


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