The Hurt

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I screamed in my sleep I screamed and screamed. Cam jumped in bed with me and covered my mouth "shh Naveah". I nodded and tried to not do anything but it happened again. "What are you dreaming about Cal?" I sighed "Carl". She groaned "go to his cell now shoo". I sighed and went to his cell "I heard your screams". He whispered I joined him in the bed and cuddled against hos bare chest. "I know you were having nightmares about me". I sighed "yeah so what?" He shrugged "do you still love me Cal". I nodded "always have". He turned me around and softly kissed me "I wish we could do more". He whispered against my lips "who says we can't?" He immediately pressed his lips to mine. We eventually got to it with him it felt like flying I winced and he held me and said "I've got you". I sighed as it was over, we slipped our clothes back on and we slept. I was woke up by a irritated Beth "Naveah!" I nodded and walked out there and grabbed her and fed her humming thinking. What if I was pregnant? My eyes went wide, what if I was. I ran to Maggie. "Maggie I think I might be pregnant". She looked st strangely "come with me Cal" she led me to her room and handed me a test "take two and wait okay?"I.nodded and took them both and waited I was terrified. After I heard the beeps I looked and saw the two sticked figures I didn't wanna seem I screamed and pulled at my hair and sat on the ground and screamed and cried. Maggie and Lori ran in and picked me up. "Shh baby girl shh" I sobbed and sobbed. Lori sighed as we made it to my room in the tombs. I cried "I'm pregnant I'm pregnant I'm pregnant". Maggie's eyes went wide and so did Loris. Then Loris eyes were like fire "Carl..." I head "not yet please". She sighed "well we'll need to tell the group as soon as we can". I nodded "an hour tops okay?" They nodded and we walked the cell block. I sat in my cell and sighed. Great Naveah played peacefully in front of me. I grinned at the baby maybe it wouldn't be too bad?. After the hour ended Maggie and Lori called everyone into the main area. I sighed "okay guys this is going to be difficult to say but I'm uh I'm-" Maggie spoke "Cal is pregnant". Everyone gasped and Carl leaned against a wall with his face in his hands and slid down it. Lori continued "and it's Carl's so honestly Hershel needs to prepare and we need to get some pregnancy tools and items for her delivery. As well as mine and Maggie's". Everyone gasped and Daryl decided to be funny "those babies Carl's too?" Everyone laughed but Carl. After that meeting Michone went on a run with Daryl and Andrea to a hospital and a few books. I went to my cell and lied down and I heard noises and saw Carl. He looked at me "why didn't you tell me!?" I groaned "I just found out an hour ago!" He rolled his eyes "you're lieing to me!" He yelled and threw things at the wall. "No I'm not!! Did you not hear me screaming in the bathroom if it's because you don't want it or something!?" He shook his head "not really no". And he left and I sobbed and sobbed.

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