I Miss Him

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I got awoken by The girls waking me up. I sighed "where's beth?" She pointed into the woods. My eyes went wide "girls follow me!!" We ran through the woods and found someone a certain someone I thought I'd never see again, Gareth. "Gareth let her go". Beth was trembling "ah ah ah don't you worry about Ms. Beth, I just want to kill you and then they are free". My girls screamed he looked at them "are they your kids?" I nodded "ones adopted and they don't leave me even with Beth around". He groaned "am I gonna have to kill them too?". I gasped "girls go get out of here run as fast as you can towards Ashley!". They shook their heads with tears going down their cheeks "go!!" I screamed

. they were gone and I pointed my gun at his head "let her go you asshole!". He wouldn't so I pulled the trigger and fell to the ground. Beth came over to me. I cried "I miss him I need him I need him!!" I screamed she grabbed my face and held me and looked at me "shh shh its okay shh Cal shh". I sobbed into her she looked at me "we gotta go get the girls and go to Ashley okay come on let's catch up with them". She helped me up and we walked towards the place. Oh how I need him badly.


I screamed as I woke up and Michone covered my mouth "shh". I nodded and after I finished crying she looked at me "let's get going okay?". I nodded and we woke everyone else up and continued walking. My dad came over to me " we'll find them Carl, don't worry we'll find them". He patted my shoulder. We walked on and then I thought her and Beth, are pregnant than I thought of my mom.

"Mom mom noo!!" I cried as Callie sat there and held my moms hand crying and screaming her name. I stood up unable to speak and I shot my mom. Callie looked at me terrified after that day I knew she was mine.
Flashback Over

I rolled my eyes "they won't be okay her and Beth are pregnant!". Daryl rubbed his face "oh Beth". I sighed "I just want her and Mika back!". Luke looked at me "we'll find them dad don't worry". I smiled at him and rubbed his hair. We continued on our walk until we heard a terrified scream. It was Naveah. I went after it with everyone yelling my name. "Naveah!! Daddy's coming!!". I spotted her being attacked by a walker with Judith watching. "Daddy!!" Naveah screamed. I lurched forward and stabbed the walker. And picked her up "hi baby girl". She Nuzzled her head into my neck "daddy, mommy had night terrors again". I sighed "where is she?". They both shrugged and explained what happened. They walked off and can't find their way back. I sighed we gotta go now

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