It's Gone

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I wanted to cry as I ran through the forest with Michone. I cried and eventually Michone turned around and slapped me. What are we going to do?


I woke up and started making breakfast with Beth. We both had Naveah and Judith on our hips. Carl finally woke up and kissed my cheek and went to work in the garden. I blushed as Beth grinned "oo la la". I laughed "quiet ". We spent the morning deciding on names for the baby. I was terrified of the idea of me having a baby but, I had to do this. I kissed Naveah forehead and sat her in the play pen with Judith. The whole morning I fed the group and sat with Beth. Carl was gone most of the day, eventually it was at the point that he came up and we sat on the grass and rubbed my small stomach. He smiled at me "we have come so far and yet I miss our old life". I nodded "this seems too perfect". We sat there until Naveah started screaming. I sighed and got up and picked picked her up and played with her after changing her. We as in Beth, the babies, and I spent the rest of the day sitting there and playing. We heard noises and turned and saw a huge group and they had a tank. I grabbed Naveah protectivley and Beth handed Jessica, Lizzie, Mika, and James Judith and told them to get her into the van. Mika came to take Naveah and I shook my head she nodded and went to the van. They had Michone and Herschel I shook my head "take it!" Daryl said and handed me a machine gun.

The man asked for the leader and Rick tried to explain that there was a council and the man pulled out Herschel and Michone I gasped and grabbed Cam. The man spoke and spoke and then off went Herschels head. I screamed and started shooting. Michone got loose. I screamed as I got a shot in the arm Carl yelled for me and for Naveah. I grabbed her things and ran a different way. They went through the fences and all of them. I screamed and screamed. I went to outside the van was gone everyone was gone. I saw Michone and she saw me and we ran. We ran as fast as we could and I just started crying. I cried and cried its gone. Michone turned around and slapped me. I looked at her wide eyed "sorry Michone". She groaned as we came to a muddy road I was holding Naveah. There were boot marks and they looked like Ricks. "Maybe that's th-" Michone was walking into the woods. "Michone wait! Michone!" Michone turned to me "or its a rapist!". She walked away and went into the woods and I screamed "god dammit!" I stormed towards the houses. Empty pretty much, I went to a house that looked empty and locked it and checked it clear I decided to keep one chained up in the hallway to the stairs just in case. I saw a nursery and . Set Naveah in it, she's almost one and I'm pregnant and alone. I groaned and lied down on the couch in the nursery. I was asleep and then is heard yelling and heard the walker moving. Dammit I said and walked out with my gun and saw Carl fighting the walker "hey cut it out that's my protection!" He stopped and tugged on the rope and the walker stopped. Carl looked at me "do you have Naveah?" I nodded "she's " Naveah started crying "was asleep". He laughed "I wanna see her" he walked in and she laughed and clapped. I giggled as he picked her up. We grabbed everything and made our way to the house and talked to Rick"we need to go to a different house after Mic-" knock knock. I opened the door and Michone hugged them and then smiled at me. "What were you saying?" Rick asked. I grinned "just follow me". We walked to a house that looked untouched and we took the bodies outside. Once that was over we sat there. "If we wanna get everyone we have to go to Terminus". Carl shook his head "no not in a million years!".

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