Your Mine

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I groaned as I woke up I saw the bottled around me and cigarettes. what? Beth and Michone were in the kitchen Michone handed me a ibuprofen and a water. I took them and I sat down as I was handed a coffee "what happened". Michone and Beth started laughing "what!?" I asked frantically "you told us about you and Carl doing it all the time". They both snorted. I rolled my eyes "you got me drunk and I'm pregnant!". My eyes went wide I grabbed some shoes and ran as fast as I could to a doctor. "Please this is an emergency! I'm pregnant and there might be something wrong!". The guy nodded and called a doctor in. He escorted me to a room and took some tests and walked in. "We'll ma'am, your baby is healthy and so are you everything is okay". He smiled and I sighed "thank god". He chuckled and I left and ran into Carl. "Hey are you alright?" I nodded "just a little mishap no biggy". He nodded "so how's our little champ in there". He said and out his hands on my belly I rolled my eyes "the baby is fine Carl". He rolled his eyes "your mine always you know".I looked at him crazily "your kidding right?". He shook his head "your mine California Allison Johnson". My heart clenched up bad. "Carl, I don't know if I want you back yet, I'll tell you by tomorrow". And after that I walked away. I went to the house and Naveah was asleep on Luke and Mika was asleep on his shoulder. I sighed "oh how I love you guys". I rubbed their heads and laid down with them. "Your mine...." I whispered

I've Got You ~Carl Grimes~Where stories live. Discover now