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I woke up and started screaming Beth one up and covered my mouth. I looked atbher breathing heavily "I'm gonna take watch". I grabbed my gun and held it nervously its been awhile. Once I got up I saw Judith cuddle up against Beth's belly. I remember the day Judith was born, I remember it everyday and I'll never forget. Naveah cuddled up to my backpack. Yes we ran out of gas from driving too far and plus Carl obviously had used some of our gas. We were on the tracks and making our way to nowhere really. Once the sun came up I woke everyone up. The girls were groggy so Beth and I fixed their hair and redressed them. They ate oranges with some apple juice which was a simple breakfast but it worked. We got up and we held the girls hands as we walked along the tracks. We then saw two vans blocking the road ways across the tracks. We ran to them and saw a sign that said "follow the railroad and then go to Fort Bennet that's where you'll find Ashley. I raised an eyebrow "should we go?" Beth asked I thought about it "others could be there and everything would be good". once we began walking I heard a all too familiar scream. I ran after it with Beth yelling after me. I ran and ran until I saw Mika "Miks" she was getting attacked. I kicked the guy off of her. I straddled him and began punching him over and over. He begged "please miss please I didn't know I didn't know!!" I groa es at his excuse and stomped his face in. "Don't touch my kids!!". I turned to see Mika "mommy" I looked at her and hugged her as tight as possible. "Oh my sweet baby, my sweet sweet baby!!" We sat there until I spoke "are you alone" she nodded "dad and Luke and Grandpa and Michone and Daryl were with me but I can't find them." I looked at Beth and sighed "okay baby girl let's get going. We'll go to Ashley Beth" Beth smiled and we went to a certain part and saw the vans and signs until night when we slept and I thought about Carl. It made me think about the prison.

I screamed and squealed "carl!!!" He laughed and tickled me "say you love me!!" I shook my head "never!!". He continued until he got tired and just bent down and kissed my lips. I gripped his hair in my fingers and his hands on my stomach. My shirt was a little lifted up so his fingers were touching my bare skin. I moaned as he brushed my skin softly. He rolled his eyes and I kissed him over and over. We almost did it but didn't which was good in my opinion. Mika came up to me and whispered that everyone in the prison knew about it. I laughed at the thought, later that night Beth came and talked to me. I giggled all night with her, man was I happy I was with her right now. We made our way to sleep and we were finally out

I woke up crying, she's dead is all I thought she's dead and Mika all of them dead and I don't know what to do. I felt someone touch me I turned to see Luke "dad if your having nightmares about them its okay I am too, its okay to be worried" he smiled at me softly. I smiled back "that's good bud now let's sleep". And we were out but there's only one thing left on my mind.Callie.

I've Got You ~Carl Grimes~Where stories live. Discover now