Tomato Soup Sundays [Steve Rogers]

696 20 7

Words: 6160

Previously titled: Unrealistic life expectations

WARNINGS: swearing, mentions of drugs and being drugged, little frisky

A/N: okay like I am literally obsessed with Sara Rogers if you haven't been able to tell from my tiny reference in like almost every fic. She is a qween and we shall treat her as such.


When you heard the loud knock at your door in the middle of the night you knew nothing good would come out of it. You almost had half a mind to stay asleep, but your body rolled itself out of bed and carried you to the door anyway. After rubbing your eyes and adjusting to the increased amount of light you opened the door and sitting across the hall was none other than your sworn enemy, Steve Rogers. To be honest it was more of a hero and anti-hero situation, but you still managed or always piss each other off.

To put it plainly he looked bad. Much unlike himself, sluggish, a haze covering his eyes as if he'd been drugged. You were about to ask him why the hell he was there, but he beat you to it,

"I-I didn't know where else to go,"

And for that split second where you  pitied him, where you knew deep down whatever happened to him was undeserved, you decided to help him.

"It's okay," you started, "I-I mean I think it is. Are you okay?"

He shook his head. "I just need to lay low, no one can know where I am and I thought... I thought you could help. Not that you would."

Who knew whatever drugs whoever pumped him up with would make Captain America shy and quiet.

"Yeah, you can stay here a bit, just remember the only person allowed to make you feel miserable is me. It's kind of  my job."

That made him crack a small smile and with your help, he got up and entered her small apartment.

"Hey Rogers, do you know what happened to you?" you asked when the door closed and Steve was acquainting himself with the things in the apartment.

He nodded but didn't say anything else making you assume he didn't want to speak about it.

"I guess you can take a room down there, but don't touch anything and ask if you need something."

The man nodded, in no place to argue and headed in the direction where you had pointed.

"Hey um..." he paused at the door and turned around. "Thanks."

You nodded and gave him a half-smile, "I guess I'm in this whether we like it or not."

"Yeah," he agreed. "D-Did I ever tell you I don't really know why we hate each other?"

"No, but I know now." you chuckled. "You're not bad Rogers we were just put on two different sides."

"Right," he sighed and slipped into the cover of darkness in the room while you made herself a warm cup of herbal tea knowing it would be a long night and you definitely needed some soothing.


The next morning when you woke up you walked past the guest room that Steve was staying in. Wanting to make sure he hadn't trashed the place and listened to your instructions you peeked through the door only to see him sleeping soundly with the blankets on the ground.

Satisfied with what you saw you headed to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee and grabbed some fruits from the fridge to eat in a small salad for breakfast.

Roused awake by the commotion in the kitchen, Steve got up and made the bed before going out and joining you.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" you asked, much different from your usual banter and conversation.

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