When the Stars Come Out [Wanda Maximoff]

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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x fem!Potts!Reader

Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark | mentions of Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Pietro Maximoff, Tony Stark

Words: 4.1K

Summary: After the deaths of close friends and family reader and Wanda decide that a part of their healing is taking a break and what better break to take than a road trip

Warnings: mentions of death, mourning

A/N: Okay so just a little note that either reader or her dad could be interpreted as adopted so that everyone's appearance fits!

Something your father always did whenever he was sad or upset would be to go on a drive. Twisting and turning through small-town roads until the feeling calmed him down.

After your first breakup, your dad took you on a drive, stopping quickly at a Mcdonald's for an ice cream while he made his way to the outskirts of the city, playing your favourite music until you fell asleep, just like when you were a kid.

Your dad was gone now, but that feeling of needing to drive it seemed like when he passed it came onto you.

So when you saw Wanda, the sweetest girl in the world, hiding in her room, away from everyone you paused and thought, maybe she needed a ride too.

You would do anything you could to ease her pain, that was a no-brainer. She started as a friend, but as the friendship grew so did your feelings for her and all you ever wanted was for her to be happy. Even if that happiness didn't include you.

Gently you knocked on the door of her room, letting her know you were coming in with the soft click of the door.

"Hey Wanda," you said softly.

"Hmm? Oh hi," she gave you a small smile and you were glad to see that look on her face. "Do you need something?" she asked, her Sokovian accent still coming through whenever she'd speak. You found it endearing.

"Actually," you pursed your lips, thinking of what words to say. "Pack your bags okay? We're gonna go on a little trip,"

"(Y/N) a trip do you really think that's the best-,"

"Just a week, me, you, and the road. This place is getting suffocating, we need to get out,"

Wanda glanced around her room, eyes landing on a picture of her and her brother, and her with the rest of the Avengers before things went south.

"Okay, I'll meet you at the car in half an hour?"

"Make it an hour to be safe, I gotta grab a few things," you said with a small smile. "It'll be fun, Wanda. You'll love it, I promise,"

She nodded and you left her room to go grab a few things you had put in storage, packing them up in your SUV and then going back inside to pack a bag of clothes and other necessities.

The Avengers compound always had snacks laying around, at first it was because of your uncle Tony, but now since he passed it seemed as though your aunt Pepper decided to continue to make sure there was food.

Thinking about it more, going to visit her might be a good destination. She was a rock for you when your father, her brother, died and maybe you could multitask and do the same for two people who felt incredibly important to you.

After an hour, just like you had agreed, Wanda met you outside your car with a bag packed, ready to go.

"So are you gonna tell me where you're going to take me?" she asked once you pulled out of the lot.

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