Supersoldiers and Pooh Bear [Big Brother Steve & Bucky]

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Words: 2200

Previously titled: Big Brother!AU (not the reality show)

WARNINGS: pretending civil war never happened and the swears are from The Good Place cause I felt like it

A/N: Half the titles from my old book were absolute trash not gonna lie


Today, what was different? Well, nothing by the looks of it. Just another ordinary day, go to school, come back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. training facility and sit in your room until the day was over. No biggie right? Occasionally you'd see an Avenger walking around the facility, but you always steered clear of them, a little too intimidating for your taste.

Most people asked why you stayed at the facility, you were in fact only sixteen. Well, the thing is your parents were both S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and died in the line of action when you were only ten. So the other agents in the facility were required —as by request of your parents in the event that anything happened to them —to look after you. You wouldn't call them family, they rotated looking after you so it was more of a responsibility to them than anything. But on this particular day when you entered your room, you saw two unfamiliar figures sitting there.

"Uh hi?" you said hoping the strangers would turn around.

"Oh hi." said one of them when they turned around. He flashed you a charming smile his blond hair whisked off to one side. You almost swore loudly, instead you just said,

"Holy fork that's Captain America."

"Yeah, I wouldn't really call a fork holy but Steve's the name and saving America's the game." he joked.

"Oh cut it punk she doesn't want to hear your patriotic crap." said the other unfamiliar figure.

"And you are?" you asked gaining a bit more confidence.

"Barnes, Bucky Barnes."

"Cut it out jerk she doesn't want to hear your James Bond crap," said Steve mimicking Bucky.

"Okay, so I have two enhanced humans in my room and still no explanation." you looked at them in confusion.

"Oh sorry about that, well everyone's pretty busy today, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s been having some trouble and they need all hands on deck so we came to spend some time with you."

"Why though? No one, I mean the agents, they don't spend time with me."

"Well, we thought we'd take you out for the day if you wanted, Fury said you could get lonely sometimes."

You stayed silent for a moment. Fury was right, and you didn't really have any homework, but you tested the waters first,

"How do I know you guys aren't just here to kidnap me?" you crossed your arms.

"Not sure we'd want that on our files," Steve offered.

"Look, I've already got it hard enough with the title kid, don't think I need to add child kidnapping to the list."

You thought a moment, there wasn't really a much safer place to be, after all, you would be with two superheroes so you hopped out of your comfort zone and said,

"Sure, just let me grab my inhaler and we can head out,"

"A fellow asthmatic?" asked Steve

"You an asthmatic, I doubt it."

"Well, used to be, before the serum."

"You have no idea how many times this kid almost up and died on me because of that," said Bucky shaking his head. You chuckled and grabbed your things and walked out with the two boys.

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