Say it Back [Bucky Barnes]

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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader, Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff

Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, (plus some OCs that don't matter)

Words: 7.1K

Summary: Confronting your feelings for one of your best friends is already hard, but it becomes that much harder when you have to pretend to be married to him.

Warnings: swearing, general angst and sadness



"Oh my God," you groaned, pushing yourself up on your bed and rubbing your eyes hard. "Fuck, what the hell happened last night,"


Your eyes widened and you turned to the voice, seeing Bucky sitting up on the floor of your room.

You screamed in surprise and Bucky did the same but both of you held your heads at the loud sound, the hangovers taking over.

"Shhhh!" Someone hushed loudly and you and Bucky both frowned, looking over to see Steve sleeping at the foot of the bed.

"Why are you all in my room?!" you exclaimed quietly and the two men sat up, trying to piece together the events of the last night.

"Pretty sure we were celebrating," Bucky mumbled. "Now if only I could remember what,"

"I remember champagne," you said. "And rings, did someone get engaged?" you asked, quickly looking at your hands for any sign of a diamond. "And how the hell are you guys hungover?"

"Thor brought mead," Steve groaned and laid back down on the ground. "And I think I'm getting married," he added casually, lifting up his hand, showing a wedding band.

"Punk, if you're getting married why the hell aren't you with Nat?" Bucky asked.

"Why do you think I would know? I don't even remember coming in here. For all we know she could be in the closet." he said pointing to the reach-in, and just as he did so there was a small shuffle from inside and the door opened to reveal that Natasha was in fact inside there.

"Huh? Guess I do remember something," he said with a nod and Natasha groaned, pulling herself out of the small dark room and close to her fiancé.

"I swore to myself I'd never be in the closet again, what the actual hell," Natasha said annoyed.

"Preach," Steve nodded while trying to hold back a gag.

"Steve I don't think we should do an open bar at the wedding,"

"Good idea," he squeezed the bridge of his nose while you looked over to see Bucky.

"Did we do something together?" you asked. "I feel like we might've done something together,"

"Yeah," Bucky nodded. "I-I remember kissing you. Why do I remember kissing you?" he said all of a sudden, anxiously.

"I don't know?!" you exclaimed and all four of you covered your ears after your voice raised louder than intended.

"I need coffee," Natasha said listlessly.

"Me too," Steve nodded. "I'll make a pot,"

"Okay I dibs one of the showers though," you sighed, pushing the sheets off the bed and standing up. It seemed as though you were all too tired to have changed from your clothes the other night. You were still sporting a black spaghetti strap jumpsuit with white and green vertical stripes, your jacket tossed aside on a chair and your high-heeled shoes still clasped to your feet.

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