Second-Hand Resenment and Second-Hand Smoke [Steve Rogers]

861 13 2

Pairings: private investigator!Steve Rogers x journalist!fem!reader

Characters: Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Sharon Carter | mentions of, Peggy Carter, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Thor Odinson, Pietro Maximoff

Words: 9.8K

Summary: You get paired with a SHIELD private investigation firm, looking into the notorious underground gang HYDRA, and despite numerous warnings from the Captain you just can seem to stay out of trouble

Warnings: lots of swearing, violence, murder, physical assault, kidnapping, angst, mentions of/allusions to sex, it gets spicy at the end (15+?)

A/N: Okay wth this has been in my drafts for AGES honestly idc if it doesn't get attention because I'll be reading this fic over and over again so whatever


"A-A reporter? Inspector you've gotta be joking," Steve protested, standing up from the seat behind his desk, and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Sorry Rogers, you're out of luck,"

"What do you mean out of luck, there must be some law we can use to prevent them from sending one over," he insisted.

"That doesn't sound like something Steve would do," Fury chuckled and shook his head. "And trust me, Cap, I've already tried."

"When are they getting here?" Steve sighed, defeated and flopped back down on the chair.

Fury checked his watch and raised his brows, "Should be here right about-,"

"Miss you can't go in there that's the-,"

One of the detective's voices was interrupted by the door swinging open to reveal yourself, standing there, bag in your arm, ready to work.

"It's alright," Fury assured. "Please come in Miss (L/N),"

"Thank you," you smiled and took a seat across from the Captain's desk.

"Well, best you two get acquainted, you both know the circumstances and if there's any questions or concerns please don't call me I'm a busy man," Fury nodded and left the room.

There was an awkward silence that filled the air after he left and your eyes drifted to the silver plaque on his desk reading clearly in all capital letters CAPTN. STEVEN ROGERS.

"Are you going to say something?" you asked and he shrugged.

"What is there to say?"

"I don't know, maybe hi, hello, nice to meet you?" you queried and he didn't seem to show a hint of emotion. "Fine then, hi, I'm (Y/N) and I'm an investigative journalist so don't worry I'm not here to critique you or your team. Now you go,"

"Name's on the plaque," he nodded. "And I don't like reporters,"

"Well, Steve-,"



"It's Captain Rogers,"

"Well then Captain I can assure you the feeling towards detectives is quite mutual, I'm sure we'll get on just fine," you said sarcastically.

"Just stay out of the way, don't touch, read, hear, see, go anywhere, or even smell anything you're not supposed to, okay?"

"No promises, Captain," you said cooly, getting up to leave the office and go set up at the small desk they had cleaned for you.

Once you left the room Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.

"Stark! Romanoff! In here please!" he called and there was a shuffle before two detectives made their way inside the office and closed the door behind them.

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