El & Chou Chou [Helmut Zemo]

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Pairings: Helmut Zemo x fem!reader [pre-ultron]

Words: 6.0K

Summary: Helmut meets an intriguing stranger on a beach in France and is determined to make sure their lives stay connected

Warnings: major character death, angst, sadness, it's happy until it's not (also not a warning but chou chou is pronounced shoo shoo)

A/N: okay guys I said I wasn't gonna do it and I did and I have ideas for more sjsjsjs I'm so sorry also I know in the canon-verse Zemo's son's name is Carl, but I changed it to fit with the plot I wrote.


August 2000

The first time you met Helmut Zemo was something one might peg as unusual. Especially since the young Baron really shouldn't have been wandering around the unfamiliar town alone, without the knowledge of his mother or father, but he figured he'd have a chance to ask for their forgiveness, but the chance to go to the warm beaches of southern France on a day like this? That chance wouldn't come for another little while.

He found a nice empty spot, slightly tucked away from the crowds of people where he could easily lay down a blanket and open a book (or three) and listen to some music. He preferred classical while he was reading.

The sun beating down on his back was relaxing, that warm feeling that would spread from where the sun hit to every extremity, transporting you to another place, perhaps the location of where the story he was reading was taking place, but who knew.

Only a brief fifty pages in (it was a Dan Brown novel, the pages were small and quite easy to flip through), he heard a muffled voice, saying something that sounded an awful lot like excusez moi.

Zemo looked up and was met with a smile and bright (e/c) eyes. He lowered his headphones from his ears, almost unconsciously reciprocating the smile you were giving.

"Pardon monsieur, est-ce que ça vous dérangerait si je m'assois ici?"

He blinked a few times, shaking out of his daze,

"I-I'm so sorry," he apologized. "My french is.. Um térrible?" he attempted to say and you gave him a small laugh.

"Don't worry, you try, that's all that matters. I was just asking if you would mind me sitting here," you pointed to the empty patch of sand next to him. "I normally come here to read, it's further away from the crowds,"

"O-Of course," he nodded. "Seems we had the same idea,"

He held up his book and you smiled, pulling yours out of your bag, but as it would have turned out, not one minute of your time on the beach was spent reading. Instead you were deeply engrossed in conversation with this foreign man, speaking of his country, Sokovia, a beautiful place from what he told you, so lively with its people, so full and rich with culture.

You weren't sure how many hours had passed when you heard the frantic call of a man and a woman, running up to you both, cursing in their mother tongue, hearts filled with worry.

Zemo quickly stood up and spoke to the couple, calming them down and requesting that they give him a moment from what you could tell.

He came back to you and took your hands in his, staring deeply into your eyes.

"I'm afraid I must leave," he confessed. "But this time that I have spent here with you, it is one that I will cherish,"

"Will I ever see you again?"

You knew it sounded cheesy the minute you said it, but that didn't stop it from leaving your mouth.

"I don't know," he admitted honestly. "So for now we can say à la prochaine ma chérie,"

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