Do You Trust Me? [Steve Rogers]

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Previously titled: The more collisions you have the more successful you'll be

WARNINGS: attempted suicide, few swears

A/N: I was really happy with the turn out of this one, and it's a bit of a different angle than I normally do so I hope you all enjoy it.


"It's quite an honour you know. Being captured by the Avengers." you grinned mischievously.

"Not sure I would call that an honour," Natasha countered and increased the security measures to your cell.

"Oh no, but it is. Just means my work is getting to the right people."

"Your work is illegal."

"And yet it doesn't harm people. Plus, since when does the government know what's best for us." you offered while dropping yourself down to the bed.

"Get comfortable (Y/N), you're not going anywhere." Natasha sighed while on her way out of the holding area.

"I don't intend on it. You see we have a common enemy and you'll know where to find me when you're ready to accept my help." you nodded and Natasha rolled her eyes and shook her head.

When she made it to the main hull and command area of the ship where everyone was waiting they all sat expectantly for an update.

"So?" Tony asked. "How is she?"

"Delusional." Nat shrugged. "No surprise there to be perfectly honest."

"What did she say?" Steve asked.

"Something along the lines of it being an honour to be captured by us and that we'd eventually ask for her help. We apparently have a common enemy."

"Wonder what that could be." Bruce sighed.

"Maybe someone should talk to her," Steve suggested. "Not you Nat, you just really don't like her do you."

"What can I say? She kinda rubs me the wrong way." she shrugged. "So why don't you do it, Cap. I'm sure she wouldn't mind spilling a secret or two to you."

"If the rest of the team thinks I'm the best bet I'd be more than happy to." he nodded.

The rest of the group came to a mumbled agreement and so Steve grabbed his phone and headed to the holding cells that Natasha had just come up from. When he entered, he saw you, laying back on the bed, seemingly fiddling with the ends of your hair.

He cleared his throat which got your attention and you lifted yourself up to look at him.

"Captain Rogers, what a surprise." you smiled. "Did I scare off Agent Romanoff, I know she doesn't like me much."

"Rightfully so," Steve added.

"May I remind you that the only reason she got out of that operative alive was because I incapacitated her," you said with slight frustration. "Anyway, I should ask what is it you've come down here for?"

"To ask you questions," Steve said simply, pulling up a chair close to the cell. "Which I'm hoping you'll answer... truthfully."

"Why would I lie," you shrugged. "It wouldn't benefit me. Or you for that matter, so, I'm at your every whim and pleasure Captain,"

Steve leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs, "So this enemy you mentioned, would you care to elaborate. The Avengers have quite a few of those."

"Yes, of course," you nodded. "It's HYDRA. Mainly a person within the institution, but the institution itself should come down as well."

"Since when do you have a bone to pick with HYDRA?" he furrowed his brows.

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