Cursed [Helmut Zemo]

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Pairings: Helmut Zemo x childhood best friend!fem!Reader

Characters: Helmut Zemo, Milena (OC) | mentions of, Carl Zemo, Helena Zemo

Words: 9.5K

Summary: Zemo manages to escape from the watchful eyes of Sam and Bucky and he comes to an old friend for refuge.

Warnings: swears, angst, some unrequited love

A/N: Okay so I'm dumb and don't actually know what Zemo's wife's name was and I was lazy so I made one up, don't judge. [I'm also low key not satisfied with the ending, but idk how to change it :(] also any longer sentences of dialogue that are italicized are 'Sokovian'


It was clear that there were plenty of things running through your brain when you opened the door and saw an all too familiar man placed in front of you.

"What the hell are you doing here?" you hissed, swinging your head out to make sure no one could see him.

"Well I'm a wanted individual you see, I figured this would be the best place to come and get shelter,"

"Helmut my home is not some hotel you can just barge into," you groaned.

"I know, but I need your help Schatz," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, handing it to you along with a bouquet of flowers he held in his other hand. "And I know this isn't enough after all that happened, but I hope it means even something small,"

You stared at the box in your hand, a small bunch of sweets, your favourite from back when you were a young child in Sokovia. You thought they had been discontinued.

"You say you need my help, but last time I drew the line at international terrorism, how am I supposed to know this won't go that far," you expressed.

"I suppose you can't," he pressed his lips together.

You sighed deeply, looking now to the flowers, gorgeous peonies and white tulips in full bloom. Peonies for shame you assumed, for having been away in prison all those years and white tulips for forgiveness. Helmut was cheeky, that was for sure.

"Just to lay low right?"

"Correct," he nodded, a hint of a smile on his face.

"Alright, get in," you opened the door wider and allowed him to slip into the cover of your home. "Should I ask?" you queried, looking at him curiously while opening the box of sweets and popping one into your mouth, fighting back a sigh of pleasure when the delicious flavour engulfed your taste buds.

"Probably not," he scrunched his nose and shook his head. "It's probably safer we stick to talking about you for now," he nodded. "Life in North America is treating you well?"

"Seems to be," you nodded. "Started with a few places in the States then found my way up here. Is that why you came? Because no one will think to look for you in Canada?"

"Partially," he nodded.

"And the other part Hel?" you asked, placing the flowers in a large bouquet while he sat across from you.

"I missed my best friend," he shrugged. "There, you got it out of me, happy?"

"Almost," you leaned forward onto the table, "Two things,"

"Oh lord, you're going to make me regret asking you for help aren't you?" he chuckled.

"We'll see about that," you smirked. "First, over seven years and not even one letter,"

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