Not Without a Fight [Bucky Barnes]

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Words: 2240

Previously titled: High School!AU (creative I know)

WARNINGS: some mentions of abuse and like one super mild swear

A/N: More Bucky! Yay! Also, I know shit about court and filing charges so if it's hella inaccurate I'M SORRY


Grade 11 sucked. That was the best word to describe it. Late nights studying, a constant worry for grades and marks on exams. On nights where your parents were out of town and you were by yourself, you found yourself staying up until ungodly hours in the morning to get your studying done. You quickly got changed and were just about to fall asleep when you heard a light knock on the door downstairs. You didn't even bother to grab a housecoat you just walked downstairs and check who was outside before sighing internally. You opened the door then your arms and whispered,

"Oh, Bucky."

He walked into your arms and tucked his head in your shoulder.

"How'd you get here?" You asked quietly.

"I walked." He said lowly. "Mum told me to come here, she didn't want me to have to deal with that asshole."

"I'm sorry Buck. I'll set up the other bed in my room." Bucky nodded and went to go help you set it up. You pulled out the single bed from the bottom of your double bed and laid a blanket and a pillow on it. Going to the kitchen, Bucky following closely behind, you made you both some tea and sat in silence for a short while until Bucky spoke up saying,

"I'm really sorry for dropping in this late."

"It's okay Buck, that's what friends are for. You wanna talk about it?"

Bucky shrugged.

"I'm scared. For mum. I can handle my own but I don't know if she can. I just don't want her to her get hurt."

You nodded understanding what he was saying.

"He's going on a business trip soon. We'll be okay for a while then."

"You know if you need it the house is open any time."

"I know." Smiled Bucky.

"School's tomorrow, we should head off to bed."

"Sure." You both headed to the bedroom, the routine a little too familiar over the past little bit, but if it was safe for him that was all that mattered. You held Bucky's hand and he kissed your knuckles before you both fell asleep.


You and your family were awaiting Buck and his mother for dinner around the next week after Bucky had come to your place in the middle of the night. Your father was a lawyer and was helping put together a case against Bucky's stepfather because his mother was looking at pressing charges and getting a divorce, but needed substantial proof to do so. When the doorbell rang you sprinted down the stairs and opened the door expecting to see two people instead you saw three.

"Heyyyyy." You said in a nervous prolongation of the word.

"Hi (Y/N)." Smiled Bucky but his eyes showed a different emotion from happiness.

"Bucky, Winnie." You said. "And I don't believe we've met." You said to Bucky's stepfather.

"I'm Carson Jones." He smiled. While Bucky and the rest of his family removed their shoes you quickly went upstairs to tell your parents that you had an extra guest. Your mother set out an extra plate and your father cleared away his work stuff. Your parents greeted the Barnes/Jones and sat down in the living room. You took your place next to Bucky on the floor leaving the couches for the adults. Bucky gently took your hand and started to trace aimless shapes around it with his thumb, a nervous habit he had developed. Both of your parents didn't mind the closeness between the two of you, you guys had known each other since the third grade. It always brought a smile to your face when you reminisced the memories.

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