Smooth Talker [Sam Wilson]

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Pairings: Sam Wilson x Rogers!Reader (adopted) [college!au]

Words: 6.9K

Summary: Reader moves back to her hometown from the west coast after running out of money and finds some unlikely companionship in her older brother's friend group

Warnings: swearing, referenced/implied sex, drinking

A/N: okay but guys seriously I love sam and I have no freaking clue why it took me this long to write for him and you heard it from here first but the college au suits him so damn well


As you walked the steps up to the apartment you immediately knew it was a bad idea to have not told your brother you were here. All it would have taken was a, 'hiya Stevie, I decided I'm transferring to the same college you're at surprise!' but no, even that was too difficult. So you instead waited for the lecture that was about to come your way, no surprises there.

You sighed heavily and knocked on the door, but instead of being greeted by your brother, you saw another familiar face. Bucky, his best friend since childhood and as he put it 'the second big brother you never wanted'.

"(N/N)? Aren't you supposed to be in," he paused and looked behind him for some reason. "Like California or something?"

"Decided to come back," you shrugged. "Steve home?"

"Yeah, yeah," he nodded, opening the door wider for you to come in, your backpack slung over your shoulder.

The apartment was cozy, you'd been there maybe once or twice before, it wasn't the same place you grew up in, though you doubted you'd ever get that place back.

"Anything change round here?' you asked, walking into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Only the fact that you're here now," he shrugged. "And Steve's got a girlfriend, but he probably already told you that,"

"Yeah," you nodded with a chuckle. "Believe it or not I set them up,"

"All the way from UC Berkeley?" Bucky's eyes went wide. "God that boy is a lost cause,"

"It's okay, if this turns out alright we won't have to worry about him anymore,"

"I heard lost cause, someone talking about me?" Steve popped his head into the kitchen. "(N/N)? You're not in California?"

"She decided to come back," Bucky smiled. "Isn't that great?"

"Yeah Steve," you smiled teasingly at your older brother, raising your brows "Isn't it great?"

"I-I mean it is," he said confused at the way you both were acting. "But why didn't you say anything sooner? I could have helped you look for a place, you could have stayed here,"

"Really?" you asked. "Cause that would be real great. You were being serious right?"

"Oh she's good," Bucky pointed to you.

You walked up to Steve and hopped up on the tip of your toes pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Nice to see you, Stevie,"

"Yeah you too apparently," he frowned playfully and shook his head as you walked off taking your bag to the spare room.

"Is that all you brought with you?" Bucky asked.

"No, I hired a few movers to bring my desk, dresser and some boxes," you explained. "And you guys left me the best room, awesome,"

Steve looked over at Buck in confusion because when they first moved in they had both passed up that room for whatever reason but Bucky only shrugged and mouthed, 'girls' in response.

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