Mr. & Mrs. Barnes [Bucky Barnes]

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Words: 2500

Previously titled: Fine Lines

WARNINGS: softish angst?

A/N: Another from the old book, hope you enjoy!


To say you disliked Bucky was an understatement. Every time he entered a room you would either roll your eyes and groan, and you didn't do much to conceal it. You referred to him as James and not Bucky to make sure he knew where you stood. But if you think just you hating him was bad enough, he hated you too. The cold glares were exchanged both ways and leaving the room just because the other entered had also happened many times. The thing that made you hate him so much, well you never told anyone this, but you couldn't remember why. It was probably deep in your subconscious at that point, but you just did and that was the end of the story for you. Him on the other hand, you had no clue what made him dislike you so much, but well, he just did.

You had been dreading the past few days because as it turns out, Steve, good God you really hated him for doing this, had put you and Bucky as partners for a mission coming up. This was an honest to goodness recipe for disaster. You were to leave a little later tonight and arrive in the morning and if everything thing went well you guys had a bit of extra time you could kill to rest at the hotel. But when you thought about it you weren't sure how restful it would be. You walked towards your messy closet and picked out some clothes to take with you and you also made sure you suit was all up and ready to go. This was a new one that Tony Bruce and surprisingly Nat had been working in for a bit and you couldn't wait to test it out. It had Nat's touch that was for sure and well I guess you could say Angela from the Office might call you a whore for wearing it. But then again Angela was pretty rigid and the suit really wasn't that bad, it just might be a slight distraction for a few guys. You put it on and threw a few more necessities in your bag before leaving your room to go and wait by the Tower exit. You saw Bucky making his way towards you his eyebrows raising when he saw you.

"James." You said trying to be cordial.

"(Y/N)." He replied.

"Who's driving?" You asked.

"I can." He said. You nodded, grabbed your bag and headed for Bucky's car. The ride was spent mostly in silence. Instead of talking you admired how the city slowly faded from a big city skyline to small suburban houses then to a more rural country area. You thought about the possibility of starting a family of your own and moving somewhere out here. But your thoughts were interrupted by a voice calling your name.

"What James?" You said coldly.

"I was just going to ask if you needed to use the washroom. There's a gas station the next exit and we can stop there if you need." He explained.

"I'm fine." You said and went back to starring outside the window. You were just now starting to enter another suburban area and you guessed a city would follow it just like it had before just in the previous order. You opened your phone and saw a message from Steve. You opened it and it said.

Rogers: Mission was cleared up earlier today, kinda fell apart from the inside out, but we want the two of you to stay and relax for a few days. And that's an order, if you come back we won't let you in the Tower, sorry I've got orders too. 🤷‍♂️ Just maybe try not to kill each other ok?

You: Can't count on it. And who the hell is doing this? It's Tony isn't it? I always knew he hated me

Rogers: (Y/N) seriously. Just give it time.

You: 🙄

Rogers: What am I going to do with the two of you?

You smirked from your phone and decided to put it away and leave Steve hanging, but you were definitely upset by the fact that you had to stay in a hotel with Barnes for the next few days. You weren't sure you'd make it out of there without ripping his head off.

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