The Most Boring People in the Galaxy [Steve Rogers]

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Words: 3500

Previously titled: For their snacks

WARNINGS: swears and a few innuendos

A/N: Prequel to His Four Girls because I wanted more family man Steve also not to do any uncalled for shoutouts but @xrebeccax86 if you see this I KNOW you vote on all the chapters of this fic since the beginning. I APPRECIATE YOU


"Morning," you heard the slight sing-song voice beside you and grinned.

"Morning honey," you said quietly, turning to face him. "Sleep well?"

"Very," he nodded and leaned over to press a long kiss to your lips. You reached over to pull him closer to you, practically having him fall on top of you in a fit of chuckles with the continuous pecks coming to your lips and trailing their way down your neck until,

"Moooooom! Daaaaaaad!"

"Nooooo," Steve groaned and let his head fall flat on your sternum making you laugh deeply.

"Hey!" you heard as the door opened to your room revealing your two daughters. "That's not very nice Papa, where are your manners?" your eldest Trish asked.

"Yeah, Steve?" you raised a brow and he stuck his tongue out at you.

"Alright," he sighed, pushing himself up into a seat position and patting down on the comforter. "Everyone up on the bed."

The two girls eagerly ran up and jumped on the bed, nestling themselves between you and Steve before giving their usual morning kisses to you both.

"Okay, now your mom and I have a surprise for you,"

"Oh yes we do," you nodded, remembering the plans you had made.

"Really?" Trish asked.

"What is it?!" Jamie exclaimed excitedly.

"Your Nana and Pops are coming later today to take you to their house for a sleepover,"

"Awesome," Trish grinned knowing she'd be getting extra dessert and electronic time that night while Jamie was just giddy to spend time with her grandparents.

"Why don't I make breakfast today?" Steve suggested and everyone groaned. "Oh come on my cooking is not that bad!" he said defensively.

"It's not," you assured your husband. "It's just..."

"You make pancakes every single time." Trish finished for you.

"No more pancakes," Jamie shook her head causing Steve to try and hide a smile at how adorable his daughter was.

"Okay, I'll make something different today," he said. "Promise. Now come on you two I need kitchen helpers." he said standing up and easily picking up both daughters and dragging them down to the kitchen so you could get ready.

You quickly got out of bed and jumped in the shower while the girls were still distracted, fixing your hair and changing your clothes before heading downstairs to see the inevitable mess in the kitchen.

Steve had Jamie in one arm while the other attempted to crack an egg, Trish on self appointed egg shell retrieval duty. There was cut fruit in bowls placed haphazardly around the table and the bacon was getting dangerously close to burning so you jumped in and took care of it, shaking your head because you always ended up cleaning their messes.

"Trish why don't you take over for papa? He's making a bit of a mess,"

"You try doing it with one hand," Steve countered and you easily came up next to him, grabbed an egg, cracked it open with one hand, no shells falling into the bowl. "Why do I even try." he sighed and you and the girls chuckled.

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