Clobbered [Steve Rogers]

670 11 0

Words: 7800

Previously titled: Boxing Day is a Religious Holiday

WARNINGS: minimal alcohol consumption

A/N: Y'all I'm obsessed with this musician AU it's literally what I'm living for



"Woah is right,"

The band was practically pressed to the glass as they listened from the other room to their 'opponents' rehearsing and had they known who was singing for them they would have just called it a day and not shown up.

"Damn that thing sure's got a set of pipes."

"She's not a thing Howard," Steve shook his head, still staring out in awe. "She's a woman and she's got the voice of an angel."

Sure you did have the voice of an angel but you didn't always have the temperament of one. This was the fourth time today the conductor had made changes without consulting you and totally thrown your opinion under the bus.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" you waved your hands around trying to get the musicians to cut so you could have words with the director. "Joseph this is the fourth time you've done this today! How was I supposed to know we were going to repeat the refrain, which makes no sense by the way! I'm sick and tired of you going and making decisions without consulting me. I'm sorry, but that's it, I can't do this anymore," you placed the sheet music on the piano and angrily stormed out of the room only to be stared at by the next band who was set to play.

Stared at by all except one, a tall man with dirty blond hair, clean shaven and the most swimmingly deep eyes you'd ever seen on another human being. He came up to you, while still holding a large case, no doubt with his instrument before stopping in front of you.

"Miss (L/N), I-I just wanted to say I saw what happened in there and I think you have a very valid point."

"You do?" you said raising a brow and holding your coat a little tighter. "Not that I'm just some woman who needs to get her emotions in check?"

"Not at all, he snubbed you at least four times by the looks of it, that's not fair at all. To anyone."

"What's your name ace?" you asked, tilting your head slightly at him.

"Steven, Steven Rogers. The gang calls me Steve though."

"Or Cap," Dugan added and Steve chuckled with a nod. Steve quickly introduced the boys and you gave them each a nod or polite wave.

"This your band?" you asked, motioning to the men with your head and he nodded.

"Howling Commandos, at your service," Bucky grinned, tipping his hat to you, making you smile.

"Well boys, I don't mean to toot my own horn but today might be your lucky day. Do you have a singer?"

They shook their heads and you smiled.

"Would you like one?"

They nodded their heads and you followed with a chuckle.

"Daniel!" you called and the man hosting the audition came into the lobby. "You think we could use the rehearsal hall?"

"Sure doll, whatever you need." the man nodded and you smiled, motioning for the boys to follow you into the other room.

"Do you guys have a copy of I won't tell a soul?" you asked the director and he shook his head.

"I can get us one in ten minutes." Steve quickly added.

"No, it's alright, what do you have?" you asked and the director came up to you, pulling something out of his briefcase.

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