Lift Up Your Shield [Steve Rogers]

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Words: 2600

Previously titled: No Words

WARNINGS: swears

A/N: A massively edited one-shot from my old collection


You walked the dusty path behind the diner. Your skirt blew in the wind and you held it closer to you making sure it didn't fly up. You heard a faint groan coming from behind the dumpster, you jogged over and looked around only to see a scrawny boy around your age. His blonde hair almost completely covered his eyes and you could see cuts and bruises all along his arms and face. You rushed to help him up and he looked at you confused and said,

"W-Who are you?" You would have responded, but you couldn't. You were non-verbal. You pointed to your mouth and shook your head trying to tell him you couldn't talk. He cocked his head slightly to the side.

"Can you talk?" he asked.

You shook your head no.

"Oh, well, I'm Steve." he said and wiped some blood from his lip. "Could you maybe write your name down?" he said, passing you a notebook and pen from his back pocket. You wrote your name down and passed the book back to Steve.

"(Y/N). That's a really nice name." he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck. You grinned and signed thank you.

"That's thank you right?" he asked. You nodded your head and gave him a toothy smile. "I know a bit of sign language, but I'm a bit rusty." you grabbed the notebook from him again and wrote;

'Let me fix you up then maybe I can teach you. My apartment's just down the street.'

"Sure thing." smiled Steve. You grabbed his hand and took him into your apartment and grabbed your first aid kit. You motioned for Steve to sit down. He obeyed and you grabbed the notepad again and wrote;

'How'd you get into a fight?'

"Oh, well this guy was being disrespectful to one of the waitresses at the diner. I told him to fuck off, but he decided to pick a fight with me instead." Steve explained. You continued to clean one of his cuts and when you were finished you signed something and Steve's eyes furrowed.


You nodded and Steve smiled shyly looking down at his feet.


You nodded.

"I think we're gonna be great friends."


As time passed you and Steve became closer. Spending time whenever you could, always having Bucky drag him to your place from fights and cleaning him up. Steve had over the course of this time, with your help, of course, perfected his sign language and now you could communicate easily, him speaking and you signing.

Under less happy circumstances, World War Two had broken out and Pearl Harbour had been bombed. The US had immediately declared war on Japan and recently on Germany as well. Steve had tried his luck at volunteering to be sent off, but much to his displeasure, asthma and many other added illnesses prevented him from that. Now Steve was knocking at your door coming back from his third rejection yet.

'You've got to stop this Steve! What if you get caught?!' You signed worriedly.

"You don't understand (Y/N), it's in my blood, both my parents served. My father... he died (Y/N). I have to do this for him... Please (Y/N) I need you on my side."

'Steve, I don't know what I would do if you got hurt. I don't think I could handle it.'

"Well then volunteer with me. I'll have the best nurse in Brooklyn to tend to my wounds."

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