Not Your Happy Ending [Quentin Beck]

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 Words: 3750

Previously titled: I never got to say I'm sorry

WARNINGS: swears

A/N: This is from my Instagram and oh my God I forgot how much I loved it. By the way, it's an AU where Beck is who he says he is at the beginning of Far From Home.


The autumn sun shone through the warm coloured leaves that tinted the space around you. You took a breath letting the cool crisp air fill your lungs as you stepped out of the petite hipster coffee shop they had on campus. Eyes opening to the sight before you, noticing how many people roamed outside, carrying books, taking care of business, having conversations or just basking in the sun before the season's change and winter took over. A small smile crept it's way onto your lips as you realized the one good thing about going to college close to home, you knew half the people anyway. Living in small-town Amity made for familiar faces every which way. Connections were everywhere and if there were a newcomer the town would know about it. In the distance you spotted a small wooden bench perfect to fit two people, resting under the shade of a maple tree whose leaves had become a vibrant shade of orange. As you made your way there you noticed someone else who had spotted that same bench and was heading for it and you couldn't help, but think you recognized him from somewhere. 

"Mind if I join you?" you pipped up. 

"No, not at all," he said flashing you a charming smile. You sat down and took a sip of your coffee and looked out again at the campus,

"So what's got you at this low brow college?" you inquired. He sighed and shook his head, 

"I didn't get accepted into anything else. Kinda embarrassing right?" 

"Eh, there's always space to learn, maybe Amity's the right place to do that." He turned to you and gave you a soft smile, almost as if what you had said had cleared away his doubts about coming here. 

"What about you?" he asked. 

"Can't afford anything else." 

"Ahh," he said while biting his lip.

"Yeah, smart, but not smart enough for a scholarship." 

"Well, I mean at least you can tell off all us idiots here," he said with a shrug. "Here as my first act as a college student I give you permission to make me look like an idiot anytime, anywhere." You laughed and shook your head scrunching your nose at the thought of it. 

"I'm sure I won't, but thanks for the offer." 

"Nothin' to it milady." he mimicked a British accent and tipped a fake hat. 

"I like you." you chuckled. "What's your name, I think I've seen you around the high school at some point." 

"I'm Quentin, Quentin Beck." 

"Hmmm," you said with a cheeky smirk on your face. "I think I'm gonna call you Q.," you said. 

"Why is that?" he asked in a confused drawl. "Cause, you're kinda cute." you flirted. Quentin ran a hand through his hair messing it slightly as he turned to look at you again.

"And you, what's your name?" 

"(Y/N), but all my friends call me (N/N)," you said in a matter-of-fact tone. 

"Well I think I'm gonna call you T," he said mimicking you. 

"And why is that?" you responded in the same way he had only moments ago. 

"Cause then together we make QT." You smiled while nodding and pointed at him saying, 

"Oh, that's a good one Q." 

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