Starting Over [Sam Wilson]

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Pairings: Sam Wilson x fem!Reader

Characters: Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Viviana (OC) | mentions of, Sarah Wilson

Words: 6.3K

Summary: Team Cap gets some unexpected help while on the run and codependent connections are formed

Warnings: swearing? angst, canon divergence

A/N: Ahhhh okay so I am so excited to share this fic with you because it's a little different from what I normally do but I am so in love with it and I hope you all are too!


"Dammit," Steve cursed, quickly pulling Natasha, Sam, and Wanda away from plain sight, hiding behind a building.


"Someone spotted us," he said quietly, his eyes quickly scanning the area.

That seemed to put everyone on edge,

"We need to get out of here, they probably have our car tagged," Sam noted. He peeked around the corner and noticed the person Steve had noticed was no longer in the same spot. "Guys-,"

Sam was cut off when he saw the man approaching them.

"Guys, guys! We gotta go!" he exclaimed, pushing them further down the alley.

They all started to run in the opposite direction but stopped when the path seemed to be blocked. For a moment they thought they were cornered. Done for.

But you gave the heroes a look, lifting your hood and motioning with your eyes for them to continue going forward, grabbing Sam quickly to explain.

"There's a van at the end of the street, get in and drive to the address on the GPS. Stay low, don't go fast,"

"Who are you?"

"Later, now go before they block off the other end," you pushed him away and went to now focus on the government agent coming after you. "Alright big guy, let's see what you've got,"

Sam was confused, to say the least, but he listened to your instructions, running ahead to the front of the group and leading them to the van.

"You three get in the back, you're more recognizable," he instructed. "I'll drive,"

"Where?" Wanda asked. "Well, we're about to find out,"

Sam followed the GPS through the semi-crowded streets until he hit the freeway and then merged onto an offroad that seemed to pull up right in front of an abandoned warehouse.

"I'm not too sure how I feel about this," Natasha voiced her hesitation as they exited the car.

"We can at least regroup a bit here then move on if it's our next best step," Steve said.

"But do you even know who she was? Sam, she talked to you did you know her?"

Sam shook his head and followed the group into the warehouse.

"Nah, but I think she just saved our asses," he noted. "When I asked her who she was she said she would tell me later, do you think she's coming here?" he asked.

"It's possible," Natasha nodded, examining the space, seeing as it was prepared to be living in. There was food set out on the table and a new change of clothes for each of them.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm really hungry," Wanda said, eyeing the food. "Do you think it's safe to eat?"

"I would say so, I had some this morning," a voice said from behind them and they all turned, to face you. You only shrugged and walked past the group of heroes, grabbing an apple and taking a bite out of it.

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