Different Kind of Christmas [Bucky Barnes]

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Words: 1200

Previously titled: Christmas special (wow the creativity is oozing from this)


A/N: This is just a cute little thing I wrote around two years ago for a December prompt list. I always liked the idea so I'm happy to republish it :) Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it


It was Christmas Eve and the whole of New York was filled with a festive attitude. Most of the team spent their time together doing fun holiday-themed activities. A lot of the time they would ask you if you wanted to join them and each time you kindly refused. They all noticed that as it got closer and closer to the holiday season you would get more, well Grinch-like. You wouldn't participate in fun activities unless you were forced, you would sneak off close to dinner time and wouldn't come back to the Tower till much later. The only problem was no one knew what was up or what they could do to fix it. And even when anyone asked they were met with an 'I don't celebrate this', which left most in confusion since your brother Tony was the biggest fan of the holiday.

It was Christmas Eve and right as their annual Christmas dinner started you managed to sneak your way out of the Tower.

"Where the hell has (Y/N) been going these past few days?" Sam asked.

Everyone muttered an I don't know before Steve said,

"Tony you should know, she is your sister after all."

"No idea, she's a grown woman I shouldn't have to monitor her every move."

"What about you Bucky? She's your girlfriend," asked Nat.

"I actually don't know," said Bucky. "I'm starting to get a little worried," he admitted.

"Well, she just left it's not too late to see where she's going or what she's up to," Wanda noted.

"You know what, I am going to go after her, if she can't tell me what's going on then I have every right to find out myself. Right?"

"Sure bud go ahead," said Steve thinking his friend was joking, but before he could say another word Bucky had jumped up and out of his chair to grab a coat and head out of the door. Bucky ran down to the garage where he hid behind his car while he saw you start up yours. As soon as he was out of your line of sight he jumped into the car and followed you on the not so busy streets. He tailed you until you made your way, all the way to one of the more low-income neighbourhoods of the Bronx. He sat in his car while you got out of yours. He noticed you made your way towards a small family of three trying to hide out from the cold. He opened his window slightly so he could hear the conversation.

"Miss Stark you came back!" a young boy cheered.

"Of course, I came back Ted. I did promise I'd come to see you guys on Christmas Eve right?"

"Right." the little boy said.

"I brought you guys a few Christmas presents, they're just in my trunk let me grab them."

You went to your car and grabbed quite a few boxes from the back and brought them out to the family. You handed them each their assigned gifts and a smile grew on your face as it did theirs and Bucky watching from the sidelines could not be more proud. Once they had all opened their gifts you handed the parents one last small box.

"I thought that spending the holiday season without a home must be extremely difficult, especially having lost your home so recently, so I hope this can help with that," you said.

They opened the box and pulled out keys.

"I recently opened a series of affordable apartment buildings around here for families with a low income, I hope you'll be able to make a home out of one of them."


You nodded your head.

"Merry Christmas." you smiled.

"Merry Christmas to you too Ms. Stark." the family smiled.

"And thank you, for everything."

"It's no problem. You are a fantastic family and I feel very privileged to have you living in one of my buildings."

"Ms. Stark?" asked the little boy tugging her jacket.

"Yes, Ted," you said kneeling down to the small boy's level.

"You'll still visit right?" he asked.

"Of course I will, you'll see me at least once a week buddy." you smiled. "The building's right down the street, I have someone there that'll help you guys get settled. My family doesn't really know I'm here so I'd better get back before they start to worry." You all said your goodbyes and as you turned to go into your car you saw Bucky standing outside and leaning against his car.

"If you thought none of us noticed you were gone then you have no idea how wrong you are." he chuckled.

"Bucky! What are you doing here?" you asked.

"We got worried (Y/N). You started disappearing and we'd have no idea where you were, so I decided to follow you."

"I'm so sorry Bucky it's just, I wasn't sure how to explain it to you all-" and before you could continue Bucky had you wrapped in a hug.

"Doll, we're your family, you can tell us anything."

"I-I know." you sighed.

"You know this is why I started to date you," he said. "I love the way you look out for other people, and they aren't just a population, you get to know them, you hear their stories. Just like you heard mine." he smiled. "But just answer me one thing." he started and moved you an arm's length away from him. "I thought you didn't celebrate Christmas?"

"I do, just not the commercialized version like everyone else." you sighed, "Unlike my older brother going to mass with our nannies actually had an effect on me." you took one of your hands and held the small pendant around your neck. "Christmas for me is about giving back, being kind and hospitable and helping the less fortunate. The Christmas we celebrate now has become so focused on the self. So if you're wondering why I don't participate in the gift-giving part that's why." you explained.

"It makes a lot more sense now," he said. "But I think everyone's worried. We should head back." you nodded.

"Bucky," you said before he turned around to leave. "Thank you for being so understanding. It means a lot." you smiled.

"Anytime love."


"Hey, you guys! Look who's back!" called Tony.

"Yeah, where were you guys?" asked Sam.

"I was doing some charity work," you said. "And I have been for the past few weeks," you added.

"Go on," Bucky reassured you.

"And I opened three apartments for low-income families in the Bronx."

"So that's what you've been doing these past few weeks?" asked Steve.

You nodded. "And just to clarify, I do celebrate Christmas, just not the commercialized version."

"And I'm just finding this out now?" said Tony.

"Isn't there one more thing you'd like to mention," Bucky said.

"I'm also a practicing Christian, have been for a while, so yeah Tony you're definitely going to hell." you joked.

The team and yourself laughed it off and you sat down with the rest of them.

"(Y/N)," Bucky said. "I know you don't really celebrate this commercialized Christmas, but do you think you could accept this one gift from me?" he asked.

You smiled. "Sure, what the hell."

He tossed you a small box and you opened it. Inside was a beautiful ring and at the top of the box were the words

Marry me?

Your eyes went wide.

"So what do you say?" Buck asked.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" you exclaimed with joy and everyone cheered.

Maybe the commercialized Christmas wasn't so bad after all.

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