Quit Your Stuttering [Peter Parker]

781 19 2

Words: 1950

Previously titled: Imagine finding out Peter was Spiderman


A/N: Okay I know the previous title is cRaP, but this is my first Peter thing on here and oh my God I love how it turned out after editing! (It went from like 600 words to almost 2000 so I think I added some good substance to it haha)


The lunch bell rang and you quickly made your way to the cafeteria. Your friends had decided to go on an exchange trip without you so you were left alone at lunch, but being the sociable person you were you made your way towards one of your other friends MJ and her people aka Peter and Ned.

"Hello," you said and put yourself in-between Peter and Ned.

"Uh-what-who-oh-hi (Y/N), you-uh-you-you look nice today." Peter stuttered.

"Quit your stuttering Peter," MJ said. "(Y/N) what brings you here?"

"Linda, Aaminah and Aisha are all on an exchange trip in England I have no one to sit with."

"You're more than welcome to sit with us until they get back," Ned commented.

"Thanks, Ned. So, how have you all been?" you asked.

"Peter was just telling us about the internship he has at Stark Industries."

"Oh wow, Peter that must be really cool!" you grinned. "Do you get to see Mr. Stark or do you work in one of the more general departments."

"No, I've met Mr. Stark a few times," Peter nodded. "He's a nice guy, helped me with my homework once."

"Oh, that's so sweet," you said. "I don't suppose you've run into any other superheroes," you joked, nudging him lightly, causing him to blush. 

"I met Captain America too," he said. "Before the whole wanted fugitive thing," he added.

"Really?" Ned asked. "What did he say?"

"Nothing much, just asked me where I was from, told him Queens and he said, Brooklyn. Doesn't seem like that bad of a guy if you ask me."

He very plainly decided to leave out the fact that all this happened under very tight circumstances and he may or may not have been trying to hold up a jet bridge by himself.

"Well if you meet anymore you know who wants to hear about it. Plus your stories are cool," you noted and picked at your food, popping some tomatoes from a salad in your mouth. Peter smiled and his cheeks tinted pink and the rest of lunch went on as per usual and you enjoyed the refreshing breeze of spending time with a new crowd. There wasn't anything special that really happened for the rest of the school day, but when you were on your way home, that was a different story.

The walk home was for the most part the same until you took your regular shortcut, cutting through an alleyway to get to the apartment building you lived in with your dad. You didn't see, but someone managed to sneak behind you and grabbed your purse from your arm, causing you to fall back from the sheer force of the pull.

"Hey!" you yelled and got up, running after the man. You caught up to him and pulled his arm back so he was facing you but he wrested his way out of your grip, but when he turned he was met by someone who all criminals in Queens were familiar with...Spiderman.

"You've got a choice to make," he said. "One, you can give the nice lady back her purse or two, you can go through me." The thief tried to run for it not before the mysterious vigilante in red tied him down with a sticky web-like substance and called the police through some sort of fancy AI in his suit. Just like Iron Man, you thought.

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