Private Story Predicament [Peter Parker]

602 8 0

Words: 4000

Previously titled: It's not like they put the floor numbers on the outside of the building

WARNINGS: swears? I think that's it

A/N: I'm in love with the concept of Peter taking videos of the Avengers doing stupid shit so here also "death is temporary vine is forever"


"Oh my God, seriously not again," you mumbled and shook your head as you looked down at your phone screen.

Peter was out at the tower today and your dad had done something stupid, again. Sure it was very entertaining watching Tony Stark drink bacon fat and not realize it after being up for two days straight, but at the same time it made you worry that one of these days they were all somehow going to kill themselves.

Peter only posted these videos on his private story which consisted of you, Ned, MJ and Nick Fury, as per request.

You just continued to sit on the bus, waiting for it to reach Stark Tower after a long day of after school clubs. It was a miracle no one knew you were the adopted daughter of two Avengers but there wasn't a day you weren't thankful that the rest of the world was blissfully unaware of your existence. Thanks to major planning ahead on your parents part along with consulting the principal and your teachers, but the students, who, let's be real, were the real nightmare, didn't know.

Once you were at the tower, you saw your other dad talking with the receptionist, seemingly to check and see if you got in okay.

"Sir, she's right over there,"

"Oh perfect," he turned around and smiled. "Hey (N/N), how was school,"

"It was fine," you nodded and shrugged while he brought you in for a tight hug. "Papa, can't breathe," you managed to get out.

"Sorry," he chuckled nervously and loosened up. Sometimes Steve forgot he was a super soldier, not really to your benefit, but it was alright. "And it was just fine?"

"Yeah, Pete wasn't in class today cause he's been helping dad out with a new suit so I didn't have my lab partner which sucked." you shrugged.

"Are you sure you missed your lab partner and not your boyfriend?" Steve asked skeptically, pulling you along to the elevator.

"Papa!" you nudged him and he only chuckled. "Okay yeah," you conceded. "But can you blame me? You and dad literally can't be apart for like more than three hours."

"Oh hush," he shook his head and now it was your turn to laugh.

When the elevator arrived on your floor you both hopped out and went to find your respective partners who were both taking a break in the living room.

"Hey Peter," you smiled and he grinned when he caught sight of you. You gave him a big hug and a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down with him while your dads shared a quick kiss.

"Tony did you eat bacon today?" he asked with a frown.

You snorted and Tony looked at you with a frown.

"What?" he asked.

"Well did you eat bacon dad?" you asked.

He sighed, "No, damn you kid, did you videotape that?" he asked Peter who just shrugged innocently.

"What dad is trying to say papa is that he accidentally drank the bacon fat that I put in a cup after making breakfast."

"Oh ew!" Steve exclaimed while looking at his husband.

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