Not a Perfect Princess [Steve Rogers]

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Words: 10 750

Previously titled: Sideways TIE Fighter

WARNINGS: the experiences of the reader in this one-shot are based on personal experience, not necessarily related to any sort of problems or disorders, smoking, drinking, swears?

A/N: Also a little different but I've been watching a bit too much of the Crown lately soooo


The large glass in your hand filled with amber liquid seemed to spin along with the rest of your surroundings. Bumping into tables and the bedpost in your lamentations. Gathering your balance or a moment you forcefully placed your glass on the table, crying out in frustration. The records blaring in the background, drowning out anything else that might've been happening in the palace.

You wobbled over to the vanity, shakily pulling out the chair and sitting in it, staring at yourself. He was right, you didn't even know who you were, the world didn't know and neither did you. Shaking your head you continued to look at yourself in disgust. You hated the stupid dresses, the stupid tiaras and crowns. Perfectly poised smiles.

So before you couldn't bear it any longer you turned back to your drink, finishing it down with one last swig and throwing yourself down onto the sheets. Not even bothering to stop or turn down the record, at that point you couldn't be asked.

"Rise and shine darling,"

You groaned as the bright light from outside hit your eyes. "Go away mummy," you grumbled and pulled up your covers further.

"It's a lovely day (Y/N), come on, up you get."

You listen to her, begrudgingly so, your hair in a bit of a tattered mess, along with whatever remnants of makeup from the other day that you had failed to wipe away. Eyes faintly bloodshot from the amount of drinking you did the previous night.

"We do have that dinner tonight so make sure you're ready by five,"

"Alright," you sighed. "You've woken me up, will you leave me now?"

"If that's what you wish." she nodded and made her exit of the room, where the maid had just come in and to bring you breakfast.

"Would you like some assistance miss?" she asked.

"No I'm alright Lena, I'll take care of myself today."

She nodded and placed your breakfast on the table and left the room the same as your mother.

Finally you pushed yourself up from the bed, rubbing your eyes and praying the headache would leave before the new one arrived at dinner tonight. When you came to the washroom you started the shower and turned the water on hot and started to slip out of your dress that you had neglected to change out of last night.

After the shower you felt somewhat refreshed, but determined to stay in your room until leaving was absolutely necessary. You picked a book from your shelf and sat on the armchair near the window, opening it to the last page you were at and continued reading.

Lena came back later to bring you lunch and take away your uneaten breakfast.

"Miss, the Queen would like to know what dress you're planning on wearing tonight." she said carefully.

"Why don't you pick for me? You have wonderful taste." you nodded. "Or at least give me a few options to pick from."

"You really think so miss?"

"Well I wouldn't have picked you as my assistant if that weren't the case."

She smiled and went over to your closet, looking through the range and array of dresses you had for various dinner events.

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