Knit Sweaters & Cigarettes [Steve Rogers]

912 31 0

Words: 11 000

Previously titled: And a crappy New Year

WARNINGS: AGE GAP (10 years), teacher-student relationship, swears, smoking, minor alcohol consumption, little frisky (PLEASE ONLY READ IF COMFORTABLE)

A/N: Guys I'm kinda proud of this one (like my writing I just kinda blurted 30 pages in two days) but like I'd never date a teacher irl this is purely FICTIONAL (but still don't read if you aren't comfortable)


"Wanda hurry up, we're gonna be late," you huffed gripping tightly onto your coffee, eagerly waiting for your friend to be ready so you could get to your morning history class.

"I don't know how I let you talk me into this, it's not even my major. I was perfectly happy with my goddamned afternoon psychology classes," she grumbled while pulling on her boots and straightening out her clothes. "Okay I'm ready." she nodded. "And I hope this professor is really as worth it as everyone makes him out to be."

"Trust me from the stories we're set," you assured her and grabbed her hand, dragging her out of the apartment and towards the campus.

You found the building you were supposed to be in and managed to get to the door of the class minutes before it started.

When you entered the smaller lecture hall your eyes first drifted around to get a sense of your classmates before landing on your professor. You could feel the heat blossom in the pit of your stomach along with a warm tint you were sure had found its way onto your cheeks.

"I take it back," Wanda whispered, having eyes also set on your professor. "I can get up early if that's going to be the view,"

You swallowed thickly and walked into the class with Wanda, your eyes never leaving your professor until he looked up and made eye contact with you, prompting you to look anywhere but him.

Wanda had found you both seats in the back of the class, away from everyone else and you settled yourself in your seats, pulling out your textbook and computer to take notes.

While the class didn't start for another little bit your eyes drifted back to the handsome professor. You had no doubt that some of the people there probably didn't have much of an idea what the content of the class was and as long as they got to have a good look at his sharp face it would be enough.

His hair was very slightly messed until he ran a hand through it before going to scratch his beard, looking over his notes for that day's lecture. He then picked up a pair of square glasses that were laying on his desk, putting them on and looking up, making eye contact with you for the second time. This time you didn't break away, forcing him to do so and start the class.

"Good morning everyone, I hope we're all awake and ready to start the day,"

There was a slight hush of disagreement causing him to let out a small chortle before addressing everyone again.

"Well, for those of you who haven't had me yet, I'm Professor Rogers, but Steve's fine too. I teach the history of the second world war or history 302 so if any of you are supposed to be in Professor Wilson's modern military history class it's right down the hall and if you hurry you might make it before he marks you absent."

A few students quickly grabbed their things and apologized, leaving the class and heading down the hall to the correct one.

"Normally on the first day, I'd like to go over what the class will generally look like over the semester along with a few tips and tricks on how to be successful and then we'll get into a general discussion of the war so I can see where your guys' understanding is at. And I'd suggest getting a pen and paper because I'll tell you your exam dates now."

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