His Four Girls [Steve Rogers]

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Words: 1300

Previously titled: Home

A/N: Another one from my old one-shot book on here and probably in my top 3 from the 58 different parts. Can you tell that Steve the family man is def a soft spot.  Also, catch me using the name Jamie in two stories (oop)


Night had fallen hours ago and Steve limped his way to the door of his home. As usual, it was unlocked and all the lights were off, he let out a quiet sigh and decided to head to his room but before he could make it to the stairs he heard a quiet childlike voice,

"Daddy? Is that you?"

Steve smiled softly and turned around.

"Hey, pumpkin." He greeted back and went to go pick up his six-year-old daughter. "Now why are you up so late? Isn't it a school night?"

"Yeah, but mom was sleeping and I had a bad dream so I came to get some water and go back to sleep."

"Well let's get you that water then."

Carrying his little girl Steve made his way to the kitchen and poured her a glass of water. After she took a sip she looked at him and asked,

"Did you get hurt?"

"A little." Steve lied it was a bit more than normal.

"Where?" She asked.

Steve pointed to his cheek knowing what was coming next from his daughter.

"Can I kiss it better?"

"Of course you can." Steve smiled and let his daughter kiss his cheek lightly. "All better." He said. "Now let's get you to bed." He carried her all the way to her bedroom tucking her in and kissing her forehead.

"Dad?" She asked.

"Yes, honey?"

"Can you tell me a story about you and mom?"

"Sure." Steve thought a moment before deciding what story he wanted to tell her. "You know the first time I met your mom was at one of your uncle Tony's parties. He knew your mom from school, and they were close friends, he introduced me to her and we talked and danced the whole night, and before she left I asked her if maybe we could see each other again and she said yes. So the next week we want to watch a movie and then we went out to dinner-"

"And then you got married!"

"Not that fast but yes pumpkin we did get married. She's very special, your mom, you know that right?"

Jamie nodded and yawned.

"You tired?"

"Mhmm." She said and curled up with her blankets.

"Good night Jamie." He whispered and kissed her forehead. "Sleep tight." He left the room and closed the door quietly now hoping to head to his room, but noticing the light on in his eldest daughter's room he sighed and prepared himself to give the 'what are you doing up late on a school night young lady' talk but when he entered Patricia's room he saw she had fallen asleep on her desk. He chuckled lightly to himself and went over to pick her up and move her to her bed, but when he did she stirred awake and rubbed her eyes.

"Papa?" She yawned and rubbed her eyes, "I thought you were coming home next week?"

"Plans changed a bit." He said and placed her down on her bed.

"Did you get hurt?" She asked.

"You know your sister asked me the same question."

"Come on papa did you?"

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