Iced Coffee and Sleeping Arrangements [Steve Rogers]

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Words: 10 400

Previously titled: Gravity is attractive ;)

Warnings: Agents of SHIELD spoilers and swears

A/N: Super long one, but I had so much fun writing this! Also doesn't follow timelines properly so that's why Nick and Maria are in it


Normally getting ready for bed was straightforward. Emphasis on normally. You'd change into your pyjamas in the washroom, wash your face, brush your teeth, floss, and do anything else that you might need to do before returning to your bed and sleeping. Only today when you came out of your washroom there was already a half-asleep body on the bed. You had half a mind in you to scream, but you recognized the suit and knew he had just come back from a mission probably adding to his disorientation and confusion.

"Steve," you whispered loudly. "Steve you're in the wrong room."

He responded with a tired and sore groan and you couldn't help, but feel a little bad.

"Fine you can stay," you said, "but you get to clean the sheets tomorrow."

"Deal," he murmured into the pillow and with a few more heavy breaths he was asleep. You chuckled while looking at his sleeping figure and shook your head climbing in next to him and turning the bedside lamp off before falling asleep.

When you awoke the next morning Steve wasn't next to you in the bed, so you grabbed your housecoat and walked out to the kitchen where you knew you'd see him drinking his regular cup of coffee.

"Morning sleepyhead," you chuckled and Steve blushed.

"I'm honestly really sorry about that (Y/N), I could have sworn it was my room I must have been so out of it."

"Oh, you were," you assured with a nod, coming over and taking his mug out of his hands and sipping out of it.

"So do we just share everything now?" Steve joked.

"Only if it works to my advantage, which currently it is, you're a fucking heater." you laughed. "I've had to ask JARVIS to increase the temperature in my room every night this week except last."

"Your bed is pretty comfortable. I think you have a better mattress than me." Steve admitted.

"Do I sense an agreement coming along?" you asked, raising a brow.

"I mean only if you're okay with it. I really don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or impose."

"It's not really that much of an imposition. It's only for our benefit. We'll get better sleep and therefore be better and more productive during the day."

"I completely agree," Steve nodded vehemently.

"So I'll see you tonight then?" you asked.

Steve nodded his head and you handed him back his coffee.

"Also be discreet about it, we don't really need to deal with everyone's questions."

"Tell me about it," Steve sighed and nodded.

Suddenly your phone rang and you picked it up,

"(Y/N) speaking. Who is this?"

"It's Nick,"

"Director Fury, what can I do for you?" you asked, crossing your arms and wondering what could be in store for you now.


"More?!" you exclaimed. "Seriously Nick when are you taking me off the bench I'm sick of this treatment," you said in a low voice hoping Steve wasn't catching on.

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