Just Like Your Mother [Romanogers x daughter!reader]

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Words: 1300

Previously titled: v=√ gr

A/N: This one gets sad so be prepared.


Steve and Nat laid down, curled together on the small bed in Steve's apartment. Soaking up the silence and each other's company, that was always the way they liked it most.

"Steve." Nat began. "I want a kid."

"If you think I've got something in me strong enough to overcome sterilization you've put too much faith in me, Tasha."

"No I want to adopt, you dumbass," she rolled her eyes and slapped her partner lightly on the arm.

"That makes more sense." Steve chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "I know you're not one for traditional...but I'd really like to marry you before that."

"Let's get married then," she nodded. "I don't think I plan on doing this with anyone else."

"You don't think?"

"Alright I know I won't. You've got me under your dumbass lock and key."

"Not sure I wanna marry you anymore," Steve sighed with a smirk on his face leaning further into the bed.

"You suck Rogers."

"But you love me."

"That unfortunately I do,"

Steve and Nat's wedding was quiet, just their close friends away from everyone and everything else. It was simple and elegant but mostly because most of their time was spent looking at adoption agencies and applying to become parents, already at a huge disadvantage with both of them in high-risk jobs.

Eventually, someone found them to be the right match and they anxiously awaited to meet their daughter.

You were six years old at the time and couldn't believe that a family had picked you to be theirs. Ecstatic to find your place among a new mom and dad you were even more surprised when you were met with Captain America, the man you always saw helping others and saving the world on TV along with Black Widow, only the coolest superhero of all time.

It didn't take you long to accustom yourself to the new surroundings, you had your own room, next to Steve and Nat's and you came to learn that not only were you living with your new parents but with the rest of the Avengers too.

Your family was a happy one, and as you grew older you learned to laugh when Steve found helping you with math just wasn't working out anymore.

"Cut me some slack princess I did this almost 80 years ago," he would always say. So in the end you'd always go to Tony or Bruce but what mattered most is that no matter what he always tried.

You had always been close with Natasha, not even needing to wait for the first day to be done before you called her mom. You both did everything together and she loved you to pieces. Steve could always see how much his wife's personality would rub off on you because whenever you interacted he felt as if he was talking right with Nat.

When the Sokovia accords came out it was a time of great turmoil for your family in particular. Dad seemed to be firmly planted on one side while mom was on the other. Not fully understanding the situation you thought it might end up leading to a divorce, but little to your own knowledge they had made it that way. The team who signed the accords were bound to have stability and safety. Steve and Nat both knew you needed that so they decided to stay on separate sides to at least try and give that to you.

It ended up not being the case, full-blown fights breaking out and eventually your mother coming to grab you in the middle of the night saying you had to go and leave everything behind.

You spent two years on the run with your parents, Wanda, and Sam. Sneaking into Wakanda every now and then to check on T'Challa and Bucky. It was an odd life and the only thing you could compare it to was a cross country homeschooling experience because Steve would damn well make sure you got a high school degree.

You always knew your family was unconventional, you just didn't realize how much until you were finally given the chance to use the skills your parents had taught you in a completely legitimate alien war, the ending results of which were terrible to disastrous proportions, but somehow you still made it through. Together.

So when you saw Clint's face as he came back after getting the soul stone your world froze.

"(Y/N), (Y/N) princess open the door." you could hear Steve's tear-heavy voice on the other side.

"No dad you don't understand!" you sobbed, standing in front of the door but refusing to open it.

"I might not in the same way you do, but sweetheart you have to let me in. Let me in so I can hold you. We don't have to do this alone, that's what family is for."

The strangled cries that left your throat tore Steve to pieces and knowing he wasn't on the other side to comfort you like he should have been, broke him even more.

"She's really gone," you whispered, clutching onto anything that would ground you there, in the present.

"Princess please open the door," he begged and you finally caved, using your strength to pull you up and unlock the door, opening it so your father could finally enter the room. His face was just as blotchy and red as yours, eyes constantly letting out tears, filled to the brim with sadness. Steve hadn't just lost his wife, he lost his partner and best friend and it was hard to feel more alone than that.

You sat together for what felt like hours, not knowing what to say, only hoping the pain would be numbed as time went on.

As you would come to learn there would be good days and bad days. The good days were when it seemingly felt like she wasn't gone. Like she had just gone to work or was on a long mission. The bad ones were when her absence was felt by a hole in your heart that would most likely never be filled.

After the war Steve had stepped back completely from his role as Captain America, passing the mantle onto Sam who would carry on the torch for him.

He was now helping Pepper maintain Stark Industries after her own loss and they supported each other through becoming a widow and widower much like a brother and sister would. Morgan spent a lot of time with you and helped you find joy in some of the smaller things in life along with Cassie who had always been a close friend of yours who you had even managed to keep contact with throughout your time on the run. Things seemed to be moving on but for you, it felt as if everything around you was moving but you had to stay put.

When those hard nights would come and they would never seem to end you'd quietly tiptoe to your dad's room and peek through the door. Being the incredibly light sleeper he was, he'd wake up to see your tear-stained face looking back at him and wouldn't hesitate to open his arms for you to come and be with him.

"What is it tonight?"

"I miss her," you whispered. "I don't understand how you do it. How Pepper does it."

"(N/N) I don't do anything." he sighed. "I'm lucky because I get to see her in you. When things feel hard and like the pain is never going to end I know I have you and you'll always remind me of her and that's enough to keep me going till the next day. Because honestly darling, you're just like your mother."

You sniffed and nodded, laying your forehead against his chest while his arms wrapped around you and held you similar to how he did when you were a younger child. And for now, that was all you could count on to keep you sane.

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